Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Who Is Good Dr Arvind Poswal Vs Dr Madhu

In the restaurant enjoy the doily
to your portrait

Today is the birthday of my love, I will not say his age, only that he is younger than me. We live together since last July and it goes well. He comes down the garbage, he does the dishes and even the bed, vacuuming and shoveling snow if I have not already done so because I love it. ; I do the laundry, I cook most of the time but he is pretty good, however it is I who ais the most fun to concoct menus and I am tougher than him. It is especially gentle and patient, it is soft and forgiving me for minor injuries to women who already had cancer. He was compassionate and he takes the time to listen. Well, he does not always retain what I say, but it was his privilege to choose the lot that is interested or not. Is not it! I love it as it is quiet and gentle, somewhat shy, a little nonchalant. Every time I think when we met I told myself fortunately I came out in the bar that night, even though I was alone. If I had not had this desire to go to him he will not came to me. Once at Divan Orange, he sat at the bar beside me. We talked a bit, exchanged phone numbers and we met by giving us visit different locations to learn more about us. One thing was clear, we were good together and it has not changed. After four years of attendance, we live together and our relationship is getting stronger all the little everyday gestures that say I care for you because you are to me precious (or precious). I want to say today how much I love him and how proud I am to be his companion and I feel very hard every time we go out and he takes my hand.


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