Thursday, February 24, 2011

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My love My poplars

the sweet sound of the wind
in leaves of poplars
the child falls asleep

I lived in the countryside for four years when I was little. J ' in fond memories. There was our house two giant balsam poplars that were my joy. I was convinced they touched the sky. Unfortunately we did not benefit very long because the After a year, the municipality decided to shoot them to widen the road. What has been done after our Initially, four years later. I liked the trees rustling in the slightest breath of wind, rain and smelly after losing their wool at the beginning of the summer making the ground all around as white in winter . I have often climbed and discovered the surrounding geography. and I learned that there was a creek and a lake behind the other side of the eighth rank. By the time I'm very could see the river.
I just participated in a scholarship offer Bayard Publishing to create a children's book talking about trees. This theme reminded me of this first contact with large trees. We reached the north coast and there are trees down rather rikiki. I'm inspired by my memories to write a story line and thus be able illustrate it. I have not chosen this image, a little too standard. I preferred to send a picture of a little girl climbed into a large tree and one of the top view that it was his house and surrounding areas. I realize that my drawing is very nice, my colors are very soft and that fashion is still the monsters and the heroes who fight them, but I hope the sponsor of the scholarship will be sensitive to the poetry of everyday life. In any case the exercise was revealing to me and I'll rework the text to perhaps offer a publishing house here.


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