Friday, February 18, 2011

Does Plan B Make You Piss More

between bright colored leaves
nuts I know, we're still in winter but the weather, + 12 degree celsius TODAY 'Today we did more thinking spring is coming. The seasons are all mixed. I show you this watercolor because I completed a series of Buddha recently. A Buddha for each season, just for fun to imagine a monk in a posture and an environment for this season. I just sell the little watercolor. I'm glad because I like it. It is calm and serene, indeed generous. I often give little exercises to do to renew my images portfolio. I'll probably include a copy of it. I've also just completed a draft text for a children's book: My poplars. In I did not have written that to have a frame to illustrate. The goal is always to draw, this is my true passion. I'll start drawing today. I found it fun, writing and drawing is interesting. I have Moreover, the views of the author which is superimposed on that of the artist: cake with two floors. The question is what a publisher would say. As it is over, I'll see if the result worth the trip.


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