Friday, February 11, 2011

Black Stools And Blueberries

painting classes

So indecisive
face this new medium
-course acrylic

This is not new, we learn at any age. I started classes acrylic and I feel so helpless other before a blank canvas. Yet I am comfortable with a paper for watercolor or before a sketchbook in front of my box to my small watercolor or ink pots for the wash, but acrylic floored me and I always seem to go back in the saddle whenever I begin a painting. I participated last summer in an evening of live painting, and put me the wall had chosen to paint in acrylic rather than drawing with watercolor as I usually do. The result was not too bad, but I sold two of my three watercolors exhibited and not the canvas with acrylic. On the art market, the watercolor medium is the figure of poor technique or sketch, despite such artists as William Turner , Winslow Omer , Kazuo Oga and Jean-Paul Ladouceu r. These watercolors are all my teachers and they have influenced and enriched my work in their own way, although they m'aient not never been formally presented. For me I make sketches in wash and watercolor and I will continue I think it's a good way to get going, to unfreeze me. The exercise of the first course was to paint a still life from life and how Paul Cezanne . I'm learning to slow down because the watercolor is fast, learn to mix enough color before starting to paint because the surfaces are larger. I'm learning to choose the right brush and that are not my usual favorites. Finally, what I know of watercolor serves me well, I just need to trust me. The word is out: I am of those who doubt itself. Many of us, I know a lot. , But I am also persistent, the go-getter who are not afraid to get hurt, make mistakes, wasting time. A humbled again, what difference does it make, I will learn and that is essential.


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