Thursday, December 23, 2010

Poplar Wood Good For Bathroom?

DOMINO his re-2010 delivers

The British label Domino who has in his wallet the Artic Monkeys, Animal Collective, Bonnie Prince Billy or Franz Ferdinand, Elloit Smith or Robert Wyatt, returns for 2010 offering a compilation free downloadable its recent foals as Four Tet, Tricky and The Fall. Between folk, rock, punk, electro and more ..., Domino makes you want to go (again) to close his repertoire. Happy Holidays

1. Villagers - was Sunlit Stage
2. Orange Juice - Felicity
3. Clinic - I'm Aware
4. Chief - Breaking Walls
5. Owen Pallett - Lewis Takes Off His Shirt
6. Wyatt, Atzmon, Stephen - Laura
7. Steve Mason - All Come Down
8. These New Puritans - Orion
9. The Fall - Bury Pts. 1 + 3
10. Archie Bronson Outfit - Hoola
11. Tricky - Come To Me
12. Malachai - Snowflake
13. Four Tet - Angel Echoes
14. Jon Hopkins - Monsters Theme

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Wher Do Hernias Occur

Deportivo sole in February

Black Desire is death, but not the burning rock made in France. The trio abrasive Deportivo whose intransigence is matched only by the firepower of his guitars and the words that hit, the sole refout February 21, 2011 with a third installment in his store. Q uoique less rock, u n first title always exciting and offbeat, " Drunk and beginners " looming loucedé. But let us beware Rock asleep. One thing is for sure in 2011 we pogotera in the cottages. "We will not all lose ..."

Deportivo - La Brise
sent Deportivo . - Watch the latest music selection.

Deportivo - Among Them
sent Deportivo . - Clip , interview and concert.

Deportivo - 1000 Moi Meme
sent Deportivo . - Clip , interview and concert.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Episode Of Dragonball Z Where Vegeta Loves Bulma

The idle solstice

Winter Solstice
birds congregate
to keep warm
My Christmas Card this year. It is in Chinese ink wash with a flange in watercolor. I like the wash, it is both difficult and easy. I'm more than valoris colorist. ; I'm especially at the line and contrast but above all the subject must send a message. The message is more important than the made for me. A beautiful picture, all right, but an image that speaks to us, it stays. ; That's why I put my illustrations with a haiku, the image is supported by the text and vice versa. I would be in Quebec City for Christmas and Bois-Francs for Day of year. The family is what comforts us in dark times and cold. I am fortunate to have a harmonious family, not too many drunks, just enough alcohol to have fun, not big mouths, just enough to have good discussions, no cul-de-bowls, just enough to have room to dance. If it is with the Wii, and although it will be with the Wii. There are two musicians now in my family, two step-brothers who hope this year we will sing. They are the only two not to distort, it should encourage them to sing louder. I wish you a good holiday season and if your family is limited, approach to advantage to keep warm or you invent a new family and assemble it somewhere where it will be good together.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Printable Triple Beam Balances

Lullabies give India

Initiated in 2006 by the label blog up, Have a good night is a project of lullabies performed by artists from the indie scene, French and world. The idea is (a) conduct the children to other sounds, remove the shackles of his classic lullaby. For the fifth compilation Albin , Holden, Brisa Roché or Julien Ribot , and put his hand on the dough (salt) to sweeten the sleep of bushels. It's a free download but pay an edition is also available or a CD, select the last 4 editions. Artists sell their rights to association and childhood Arts. The disc is accompanied by an activity book produced by Cococerise and Nanikaa . A great gift idea. Good night little (and big)!

Albin "Cows" from Dom Labreuil we Vimeo.

Friday, December 3, 2010

What To Write In Your Best Friends Wedding Card


Last Chrysanthemums
not yet faded
early December

The snow is slow to settle in Montreal. ; She prefers to travel and the evening news show us photos of her in Europe. Seeing the world that form the youth, but the snow is a little old to change his habits. But hey, c is the new snow in early winter, it must be indulgent. The madness will pass it well and she returns home when his budget is exhausted, it is expensive in Europe. Yet I pull my shoes and put my bike. I installed the lights of Christmas on the balcony and the crib in a corner of the kitchen. I am ready to welcome him with open arms to make an angel in the yard. I think we said too bad about it there two years. Too much snow, too often and gnan, gnan gni and gnan, gnan, gnan she is upset and went to look elsewhere if we could not appreciate its true value. Such creative beauty and tranquility should have his fans and even his Facebook page. I register right away (actually I just checked and there are already several groups to create and I just join one because I really like the snow ). I also like icicles on the balconies, Frost and his drawings in the windows and the footprints we leave by walking in fresh snow. I love blowing too, the magic that leaves behind a freezing rain, calm after a super heavy snowfall. No monotony with the snow, we know what it holds, a volley of big fluffy flakes or slapped cream pies. But there she sulks and we too often we send her sister the rain, even freezing, just wetting. Fortunately the weather who knows a little ad we are back tomorrow. I will get my gloves, my hat and scarf red, those were her favorite and I'll go wait in the stairs as when expecting a visit from our favorite cousins. Like that once it is there we can go play together like old times. Here, I dream a little, because if the snow is what rejuvenates me not so here. I'll just go around the neighborhood with her. This will already be good to meet again.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Purple Highlights On Dark Brown Hair


As their name does not indicate, the group Fujiya & Miyagi hails from Brighton, England. Since 2000, this combo grows a mix of electronica and krautrock-inspired , thereby disclosing a dark groove that takes over the color pieces. For January 2011, our British friends, to unbridled coolness Music latent and humor, revealing their 4th album "Ventriloquizzing" tinted film references shifted, as evidenced by their trailer below and first single "Sixteen shades of black and blue".
A (re) see also the excellent "Knickerbocker" and "Ankle Injuries" from previous albums.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Walk Through Walls Cheat Com

My dear Colette

Soiree insomnia
crossword puzzles, sudoku and rereading Colette
is a time of boundless creativity for me right now. I time is all. I am looking for work as a freelance illustrator and I badly need to rebuild my portfolio. Designers love the black and white, it costs nothing to print and the quality is always perfect. The shades of gray need attention when printing and color is expensive. I love working with Chinese brush-style Japanese. I started in 1998 with ; a course in Chinese painting at the Montreal Botanical Garden with Zhang Lian Who. I like to add shades of gray, but the richest drawing pure black is a challenge because it must be flawless if it sees itself as a pimple on the nose. Here is my version of a portrait of Colette. A contemporary, as I imagine with my eyes in 2010, she lived a century earlier. It would be really rock and roll today, maybe punk, underground for sure. His life was in chat trade shows, today it would talk to her on the web and throughout the blogosphere. This is the only author whose work I complete. I must say that I prefer contemporaries and their work can not be complete before they die, I'm in no hurry to see it coming. I also have time to read other blogs and here is a challenge of another blogger. A challenge I blog of herbs, flowers:

"Quote fifteen authors, including poets who have influenced you and keep you always in your heart. List and less fifteen minutes the first 15 that come to mind. "

1. Herge, Tintin and Snowy with it has opened the doors of reading.

2. Felix Leclerc, was my great love and even driven from her Adagio were pleasant.

3. Colette, my great, my dear Colette. She's like my big sister. Every time I set the table I want to cover for her so I wish she was here.

4. Baudelaire, with whom I spent my late teens and that made me feel less isolated in my sensuality.

5. Isaac Azimov, who opened a world between fantasy and science when I studied in the pure sciences.

6. Michel Tremblay, the novels especially, where strong women are poor and even rejected.

7. Emile Nelligan, the beauty of his poetry and the sadness of his life always inspires me to write before it is too late.

8. Hugo Pratt who made me dream of travel and adventure with his character Corto Malta.
9. Trevor Ferguson, an author of Anglo Montreal that allowed me to see that talent is often at the corner. He lived in Park Extension next to my house.

10. Gabrielle Roy, moving and realistic, it tells us history in its own way. A great writer who lives in me when I go to St-Henri.

11. Kim Dong-Hwa, a Korean who made the comics in a very Buddhist, these images are stylized and sometimes stunning, his lyrics are simple and accessible.

12. Daniel Pennac for its rhythm, its sense of the ridiculous and the breath he brought to the detective.

13. Gilles Vignault, what poet, read his texts, he writes better than he sings.

14. Hélène Leclerc, author of haiku and friend, his writing amazes me.

15. Nicolas Dickner, author who delighted me. I recommend it.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Scott Kay Nexus Helzberg


Miss K present the first single "Play Outside" in the preamble of a new album, the 3rd, scheduled for January 2011. A riff on the clash, rage on the rope, she still wants to make old bones in the carcass of rock. Good.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Manual For My Reebok Heart

Planting Perennials Flowers

The flowers are faded
I still have the drawings that I copy

I just spent a few days with my daughter in the countryside, we have returned the land to plant the perennial last before the ground freezes. Large earthworms wriggling in our shovels and cats supervised laborers. During our last stay in Quebec the uncle of my daughter, my step-brother, had given him the plans of perennials, but she could not recognize them she did not know whether to plant them in full sun or more shade . It's like planting a little late but now they are either in a rock garden in the east of the house or near the parking lot under the rosehips. There were hostas and astilbe, irises, daylilies and two unidentified plants. We took the risk to plant them in the sun, even to transport them elsewhere if they do not adapt well. As the terrain is mountainous, the land is full of rocks and roots we spent a lot of effort for these few plants. The forest extends over two sides and fir, birch, pine and ash are the appreciated shade in the summer but they extend their roots as far as they can. It's nice to plant flowers. It is a promise of beauty for the next year. My daughter is currently in a youth center and the exercise gave him the idea to sow seeds in pots with them. It is a activity it has already done with disabled children. I am amazed at all the experience that already has my daughter. She took care of a woman with Down syndrome, youth with disabilities, children with autism and of difficult teens. She's only 23 and she already knows he is hardu to help others. The idea of seeding, to see grow, harvest can be expected to help young people who do not see beyond that now, without one now since no future consequences. Like what Zen is not limited only to the here and now, you also need a little wisdom . It's nice to see grow a beautiful plant, straight and strong and I am proud to see my daughter grow and blossom like a flower, a perennial I feel good.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Italian Gifts Inexpensive

A package from heaven!

Some, some of you know that I became a consultant Epicure Selections, which means that I am less present on my blog. The time devoted to preparing the tastings at home and then commands, replaced the time spent blogging. It is true that I also preparing a regional portal along with all that. I'll keep you posted. A busy December ahead. As well as that of October.

Recently I sent a product range Epicure Selections a Facebook friend and former blogger ... become traders in the region, The Epicurean Repentigny not to name it. In addition to being a Stampin 'Up. I could go on without sharing the wonderful package she sent me containing these treasures

  • a jar of caramel and vanilla flower salt. Succulent! By far the best of everything that I tasted like caramel.

  • a pot of onion confit with black currants. I expect to make a pot before opening.

  • a bag of homemade granola as there is no market, which has made me a lovely Sunday lunch this morning.

  • chocolate pecan cookies, icing and famous in beautiful bags. A fall!

  • a notebook for the handbag. Cute. Even my boyfriend is jealous!

  • a small card tiny, cute, cute, cute! Full of kindness!

Many thanks dear Veronica, I do not expect much. A package so carefully prepared. And I am touched by so much qu'émerveillée attention and talent combined. Just a pain! Whether it remains so far!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

How Old Is Tawnee Stone Wikipedia

of Fall

Flowers Fall
purchased from the florist
are all still beautiful

What are good with the flowers fall, they last longer. They are often resistant to a cold snap at a time of bad weather with rain and ice they are still beautiful, not perfect but still presentable. I feel like it, like flowers in autumn. I was born in November and I survived a period of freezing pretty brutal, thank you. I still feel beautiful even if I am a bit faded. I hope I'll last a little longer. I have a boyfriend with whom I live for some months and I hope to see fade too. I say this because it is beautiful like a heart and a little younger than me, six years is almost nothing, but it still has a baby's skin, good with hair and more, but it will if well. Faner, it's nothing, dry, big deal, many dried roses even keep their scent, but to die, that's unacceptable. It's the end of everything. ; Death is the end of love and pleasures of this world and that's why I'm against it. I am definitely not against, but let's say, not yet. I still want to love, is the purpose of my privacy. I still want to share pleasures with those I love is the purpose of my social life. If there is another life after, I do not care. , No evidence, I lost faith in ten years, as I stop believing in Santa Claus to seven years because I was growing up and I saw the lies that were conveyed by these beliefs. ; I quietly acquired over the years a compassionate morality that I learned of Buddhism, a consciousness of my surroundings that comes from environmentalists and a desire to live simply given to me exemplified by members of my family. Now I am doing everything in my power to keep me healthy and in shape: I eat well and I play sports. I do not really afraid of death, It intrigues me greatly but I'm in no hurry, life intrigues me even more. I have more fear of disease is so sinister. A doctor told me in 1992 that I still had a year to live, it gives a shock. I was 42, I went through medical treatment inhuman and I do not know if I could do it again. Today I ; say courage to all those who fight against a disease. Hold on if you think you have one chance to get away. Ironically I am for assisted suicide when there is more than the pain of living in a and be no chance for improvement. Living is often this: it has something to do until you realize it's ridiculous, then we must let go, but not before hour and then it's time to go swimming.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Where To Buy Shoe String Licorice

Port Police

View River near
and getting arrested
Port Police

See the river
Closely and Be Arrested
Port Police

Ve el rio y ser ceca
Policia Portuaria

I ; 51 years now and am no wiser than before, however I am less shy, more rebellious. Last Tuesday it was so beautiful that my boyfriend and I decided to go walking near the River. ; Like train tracks separate us usually water I proposed to follow the track to the river and to take pictures and sketches for my sketchbook. Passing Wong Wing in the usual smell of egg rolls I took the opportunity to make a drawing. We then went through a nice trail along the bike path on the way to achieve rail under an overpass that had been occupied the night before, a rest camp was abandoned in the vaults. We followed the track to the port and by entering a camera was following our trip . We said we would have a visitor. Sure enough, 5 minutes later a police car arrived port. Two police officers were directed to us intimately about us and asking us arre answer their questions. Before our mines gallows they remained neutral, but before my drawings in my sketchbook one of them stretched the neck while the other asked for my camera to erase those that showed the port installation, ie one. I made this drawing from memory because it is the act of the policeman who amused me. We were left for a warning in good and due form and an escort to the exit port near Berri. The funny thing is that we were walking near the river exactly what we were interested in and escorted us into the police car while driving to the rhythm of our steps. The ride was beautiful and well to gain this meeting with our guard ports. They do a good job, efficient and reasonable. I will still have to keep me away from the port because the next time I have a fine, and c is serious. The state security is at stake ..

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Anniversary Tree Poem

Life Artist

A day at the park
with guitar and brushes
live the life of an artist

I live happy moments, despite unemployment and little money in my pocket, my boyfriend and I have the leisure to choose what we will do our days. He is also unemployed, training to start his own business, building websites for musicians. I also want to leave, then leave, my company illustration. The expansion of the Internet application images, lots of pictures and I produced a lot. It remains to join the right people and they appreciate what I do. When the weather is as gray as today we are in our workshop in our computers and my drawing board to develop our proposals and works. When the weather like yesterday, we go where we please and enjoy the day. Yesterday we were at Parc Lafontaine and I drew the last colorful trees while listening to my boyfriend play and sing. My friend in the hospital will forgive me, days like this will be rare and it took an advantage. Walking into the park we stop In Emilia , a popular self-help center for us to put baskets of fruit and vegetables at low cost. Of course the artist's life to its shortcomings and the neighborhood too little greengrocers and exorbitant prices for any lawyer not even ripe. We will test this mode of supply in the hope that they do not give us too many peppers, I hate them, in which case I'll have to learn to cook. cons Making a bad situation it's natural for me and I'm glad to see that n'agace not the man who shares my life now. It is even that great and it inspires. For now even if we feel professionally to make on-site, we take this time to build our married life interesting and full of happiness. It's like a timeless time, we benefit because we are well aware that he will have to seriously get back to work and it would of course come too quickly. So if you see in the park a musician or an artist pencils in hand, you can envy them, however, knowing that it does not last long.

Friday, October 22, 2010

How To Make A Dress Pattern


A must
from underneath the railway
to buy Wine

Obligatory passage
from Underneath the track to buy wine

Paso obligarorio
debajo del Ferrocaril
para comprar vino

Where I lived before a branch of Liquor situ ed was just around the corner of my street. Now if I want wine, I must take my bike and go under the overpass on Ontario Street to go up a little before the Pie IX, where is my nearest branch. I must confess that I do not go for nothing and I filled my bag provision, one that fits right in my bicycle basket. I have in my kitchen that has a serving tray for depositing the bottles of wine. I use it now more often than just during the holidays . Unfortunately, my concerns never last long and if you come see me and it ran dry, I'll buy beer, specialty stores of every corner and they are many in my corner. ; Last summer I saw the driver passing a bicycle every day loaded with crates of beer, empty or full, depending on whether it was going or return. It is a lucrative job that I love cycling, I'll think about it. The poor are often generous tip earlier this month at least. With my unemployment check, still generous, I feel like part of my neighborhood. I'll see the free shows of the house of culture. I read and see other newspapers such as the duty on the internet. J ' borrows the same DVD movie to my library, like that I have enough money to buy wine. I learned to drink the wine gently. My father, lover, we used a glass to my sisters and me every Sunday for dinner from the age of 15 years if we agreed. At this age it's hard to say no, of course in the good girl beginning we all preferred the white wine but my father preferred the red there was rarely on the table, unless my mother had had need for her recipe. Taste is easier to acquire than beer for girls, and I still have many friends who do not. I confess love and beer and wine, even in older, I appreciate more the fort. I took in 20 when I went out with friends, I resumed taste. So I have a cabinet where you can find some Cuban rum and liqueurs, but also be careful when opening the freezer because I ' There have been a bottle of dry gin and vodka. I like my drinks cold. My favorite gin club soda with lime. Gin Tonic kills the taste of gin. I drink So Friday night a gin and soda, thinking of my grandfather who was fond of. When autumn comes, I appreciate the vodka bloody mary, that was a favorite of my grandmother who was preparing doubles. I'm not drunk, even though my sisters and I jokingly replied to adults who are teen asked us what we wanted when we were big, like our drunken father. That made everyone laugh My father never tire of it. I drink moderately, than on weekends, no more than two glasses or I tasted, I have spasms in the neck from the radiation that cured me of a cancer. Finally, it is my health that outweighs the pleasure. I'd never drunk, but live longer than my father. I already have because he is dead at 47 years. Think about it if you drink every day! See how he was fine at 16 when my mother met.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Nikon F Mount Adapter Praktica B

terrine of rabbit with herbs and lavender

A treat for fans and rabbit terrine, and lavender. A feast for the palate and friends. I presented last Saturday at a tasting Epicure Selection, special tasting with 25 women invited, the tasting is followed by an evening of fun girls parade of fashionable clothing ethical "Francine Villeneuve Froufrou" artisan Montréal you will find among my friends BF. Cheers!

300 g of rabbit meat, cut into
cubes 100 g of calf liver
100 g of lard or bacon sliced by the butcher block
1 slice of prosciutto ham 1 / 8 inch thick (the radius of the sliced sausage) 1 egg
2 tablespoons
tea or more lavender Epicure Selections
1 tsp teaspoon fresh thyme (optional) 2 tablespoons
tea of herbs Epicure Selections
Salt and pepper (8 grinds)
Sprigs of fresh rosemary in quantities

Chop first 3 meats robot thermomix me. Then add the egg and seasonings. Blend again a few seconds. Mix all these ingredients, cover with plastic saran wrap and marinate in the refrigerator about 12 hours.

Line a loaf pan pyrex slice of prosciutto and place meat in tapping lightly with a fork to equalize. Fold the edges of the slice of ham, if necessary. Remove the sprigs of fresh rosemary on top of the bowl, if desired.

Place the terrine in a larger dish filled with water as a water bath and bake at 325 F for 90 minutes. Drain fat from slightly bowl. Cool 2 hours at ambient heat, then put the bowl in the refrigerator overnight.

After this time, insert a large knife or spatula around the baking pan. Then reverse slightly on a plate to the pan. Repeat the process with a thin knife, if necessary. Cut into equal slices with a sharp knife. Serve with baguette croutons of toast or crackers Breton. Serve with jelly, white wine, rosé or Pinot Noir Epicure Selections.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Watch Southpark Online Ipad


October 19, in my last post, we waited for the rain ... it did not come. after 3 weeks of harvest, that's it, everything is back. Yesterday we had a little cold but good. A crop of exceptional quality. Very satisfying but there is still much to do so ... to the next!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Business Objects Automatically Refresh

At the hospital

His leg is broken
but can still talk
same hospital

My friend is in hospital with a double fracture of his left leg. The one below the knee and the other near the ankle, it makes him look good, yellow and swollen at the moment. The doctors are waiting for the swelling resolves to make him and put pieces of metal, she knows where and does not know the details. My friend has a good moral, enter the hospital spent 50 years for a broken leg while hiking in the mountains makes you a daredevil and is more gold éole glory than being a cancer as the majority of our friends, myself included. This friend who accompanied me was one of those each day at the hospital for treatment of radio and chemo therapy treatments, which lasted two months ago eight years now. She was my favorite because it speaks a lot and kept me thinking about what was happening. It is available if it replaced at short notice, those who had an impediment. She has a big heart for it accompanied him until last week another of her friends with cancer of the uterus. I'll see every day since Monday, is not exactly because I feel indebted, even if 'ago, but mostly because it makes me happy. Caring for others, especially those I love, it's nice for me. Day before yesterday I spent an hour to untie the knots he had it in her hair behind her head. This friend has curly hair and thin it was a good ball crimped and entangled to ensure that does not return I made him ais lulus. ; She is cute and funny with her pigtails of red hair, everyone calls Fifi strand of steel. I must confess that yesterday she looked tired and the jokes were more rare. The pain is still present despite the drugs and the boredom and watching closely the greenhouse. Unable to read the blurred view of the absorption of painkillers, TV, she hates, is the MP3 player and friends. As I am unemployed, I'll see the end of the afternoon. The hospital where she is staying on the same subway line that my apartment and the journey takes only fifteen minutes. She is eager to finally see a doctor and be given the ok for surgery. After she must have at least 6 weeks of convalescence at home. She lives on the third floor and will need help shopping. Go see a friend with limited mobility to zero makes me doubly appreciate my travels. I continue to swim at lunchtime as she wonders when she will resume her aerobics and she says she does not forget to request a doctor's note in order to suspend its membership at the YMCA. J have noticed the swelling had diminished a little. The operation will be soon. I wish him all these friends as facebook, a speedy recovery.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Verruca Plana Off Shelf

Early Fall

Early Autumn
shivering under a sweater
to see colors

Park Bellerive is closest to me than ever. Just take the bike path Notre Dame, going east to Hyppolite Lafontaine tunnel and just after it. We arrive at this park after crossing miles of docks with cranes, containers, silos, warehouses, factories and warehouses, more or less maintained. It is a pleasure to see the beauty of the river and to have free access to a large park full of trees. The bank was occupied by a few fishermen on Sunday, since we were on Sunday. families with strollers, bicyclists, persons elderly and dog walkers meet there for you to take a breath of air. The waterway is nearby and you can see almost freighters and barges that pass lake when there . We stayed there nearly two hours and not a single ship has passed. There were some on the horizon but they were all at anchor. It was Sunday for them also, I guess. We took the time to draw a little, my boyfriend also did watercolors since I showed him the basics ais. He is doing very well. It was not all hot and despite our gear bike as soon as you stop pedaling the cold watching us. Luckily my boyfriend is comfortable like a big teddy bear fur coat. It was the place the hottest place and I shamelessly occupied. The wind blew from the north-east and return was easy. The setting sun warmed us do more and we were very happy be back with us.

Take the bike path
for a picnic Fall
on the riverfront

Friday, October 1, 2010

Ringworm From My Horse

Geraniums in pots

geraniums bloomed in a box
all summer

I never had such beautiful geraniums that this summer. ais I always hung in a planter at the gallery. In my former home had squirrels bury their snacks and put together the roots of my flowers the sun that they did not like at all. I had to replant replace them often and even during the summer. The traffic noise from my new street scares squirrels giving a chance to bloom. I have also released two languages stepmother who are also very well the front porch. I'll have them back soon. In my kitchen I have a table near a window that serves as my winter garden. I will have to find room for it all . I've a jasmine flower, an orchid at rest, a sage plant, a savory, a lucky bamboo, a beautiful plant lemongrass and baby nursery plants in Mexico. I did not particularly green thumb but I like taking care of plants. They never complain even if sometimes I fail a little. They are so grateful when I held that I trying to take good care. I also have two hanging baskets which I know the name of the plant and two ivy that make the mouth since they are on the refrigerator. The vibrations must prevent them from sleep, but I love their foliage hiding the side of the fridge. I will first try to give them a little fertilizer and see what happens. Moving it to the acclimatization at least one year. The time to go around the seasons. Already, the noise bothers me less. The windows are closed because of cold it is outside and the rain falling continuously since several days. I take the time to go swimming, I have no excuses, I live next to a brand new swimming pool and free. I finished the first draft of a haiku novel with well ten days ago and I am the first re-write. My first draft was written almost in its order not to break the thread of what was going through my head. I have a lot of work ahead of me to do something clever, but it's an interesting challenge. I give you the title:''Pots of grief.''I talk about Children, their frustrations and the need to grow up safe and toddlers. Instead of focusing on the good life I had I looked at all these little moments of reflection that I about life, the adult and child, who seemed so different. I have seventeen page copied on the computer. I first restored order in the stories example I gave the end in its place, because I had found it halfway. In re-writing I take this opportunity to add details and make himself called filling. It's like putting salad, tomato, mayonnaise in the ham sandwich. It's better, but had already found the ham. Honestly I did not expect that to be so much work but I have time and I take this opportunity. J'entrecoupe moments of writing by working a little different than I do for years, a cartoon. I have a scenario in your head for at least ten years. The character principal is a girl of the North Shore of Quebec named Marie-Noelle and everyone calls and Marino who was eighteen in 1967. As my favorite literary style is the haiku, I'm make a haïkubédé . You can go see my first try and tell me what you think. I think the comics pages are in dialogue in bubbles to advance the story. I think the haiku is too introspective to be dynamic and there was only that I would lose readers. Each new chapter will begin with a haïkubédé in order to feel the spirit in which the heroine is by presenting it in its environment will change often in history. A blind also to the landscape. I'm unemployed but not really idle. Well, here I return to my comic. It's still a baby and should I take care a lot.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Nimrod Tent Owners Club

Tunisian Couscous with monkfish Ricardo

A seasonal dish, light and hearty, sustaining and protein and high-in-color, full of flavors. All-in-one. I confess that I have a weakness for this kind of dish, spicy and so easy to pretend to serve!

1 1 / 2 lb Monkfish
cubed 1 / 3 cup olive oil
1 onion, chopped finely
1 red pepper, seeded and diced 1 tablespoon
teaspoon ground cumin
1 / 2 c. Tea
paprika 1 / 2 c. teaspoon ground turmeric
1 zucchini, diced 2 cloves garlic
, finely chopped 2 tablespoons
tablespoons tomato paste 2 tablespoons
tablespoon lemon juice 1 tbsp
harissa sauce 1 can 19 ounces chickpeas,
rinsed and drained 2 cups chicken broth
1 / 4 cup currants 2 cups couscous

3 / 4 cup parsley, chopped Salt and pepper

In a pot or wok, brown the half the fish in half the oil. Add salt and pepper. Repeat with remaining fish. Set aside on a plate.

In the same pan, soften the onion and bell pepper with the spices in the remaining oil. Add zucchini, garlic, tomato paste, lemon juice and harissa sauce. Continue cooking about 2 minutes, stirring. Add chickpeas, broth and raisins. Bring to a boil and simmer about 2 minutes. Add the couscous, fish and mix well. Cover and remove from heat. Let stand for 5 minutes. Adjust seasoning. Serve in a large serving platter. Sprinkle with parsley and serve with lemon wedges.

Next time I will serve in the tajine preheated oven.

Source: Ricardo , vol.6, No. 5, p. 102

Why My Daughter Has Discharge At 15

Center Malépart

Under an autumn sky
walk to the pool without getting wet

Under an autumn sky
Walking To The swimming pool
wethout getting wet

Bajo cielo de otoño
a caminar hacia la piscina sin

These are new pages for the project Sketchbook. I always associate a haiku which I translate into English and soon also in English. This project allows me to explore my neighborhood. I draw what is around me and in the activities in which I participate. This week I took my first Pilates class that I hated. I had the impression of being in the army, the very idea of suffering for me well I am disgusted at the highest point. I immediately made a change of course to follow rather than yoga and I met a ais excellent teacher who has a soft voice and calm. I gave up today to go swimming as I do every day of the week because I have too much pain everywhere, especially at the shoulders. It is the fault of Pilates, you'll catch me doing it. I preferred the bar to the ground than we did in dance, it looks like him but he did not mind this: it hurts but it's good for you, rather you want it to be a dancer then work your muscles. At that time I was young and much fitter but mostly I was doing this kind of exercise three times a week and it was much less painful. Just once a week that can only be painful, this is not enough to improve my muscle strength significantly. Yoga, I practice at home already, but intermittently taking a course that motivates me more. The evolution is slow but painless and more natural. At least there are three men in yoga classes cons not one in pilates. Women are always on the lookout for what is fashionable and I can tell you that it's less fun than aerobics. I will continue to swim as often as possible, I am made to 24 lengths of 25m, and do yoga with me from time to time with the support of my course of Wednesday evening. Tomorrow I'll do the bike to see the artists neighborhood during the Days of Culture because there is much to see. Same for Sunday. I'll be busy, a chance that I'm in shape.

arrive at the end of the corridor
catch my breath
Arriving At The End Of The
swimming lane
catching my breath
llegar hasta el
del corridor recuperar el aliento Natacion

Saturday, September 18, 2010

How To Convert A Dog House To A Rabbit Cage

plant Sanimax
is long closed
pigeons to nest
My neighborhood, suburb M'lasse is semi industrial, so it is still affordable level of housing. But there are drawbacks and the worst is the noise. Just in front of me warehouse fruit and vegetables acueille Monday to Friday refrigerated trucks that run their engines from 5am until noon. The degree of pollution CO 2 was very high during the heat of summer and we would definitely close the windows before if we do not want to be asphyxiated . Just next there is this plant Sanimax , disused for several years it has the haunt of pigeons in the area. I like to go walk there because it is adjacent to the railway and there are still vacant lots covered with wildflowers. I made bouquets that I put in my kitchen away from the table because I bring the flowers with lots of tiny insects. The weekends are enjoyable without the noise of trucks and it gives me a good time to go walking along the track railway. I find miscellaneous objects including a small Bible in good condition, knee and wrist guards for all new skaters. I decided to make this place my playground and to perform multiple installations land art. My first try was a bit small, I'll have to see it will be more interesting. I still had a little success from the beginning because I was so focused on my job is to photograph a train passed slowly and the driver smiled and greeted me in passing. It had a view from above of my speech and it made him smile. Apples in track, surrounded by white and yellow flowers and casseroles pine, it is surprising and fun is on. I will continue even if only to amuse a train driver or two.
Sanimax factory
closed for a long time
nesting place for pigeons
The manufacture is a Sanimax
cerrada desde Lango
anidacion of palomas

Monday, September 13, 2010

Gay Masterbateing Games

salad sushi tomorrow

Here is a picture that slept since last year ... Salad unpretentious but excellent to move the remains the day after a festive evening under the theme of sushi. So simple it's almost not a recipe but have a suggestion really. At you to execute, issue of extending the party and lose nothing.

2 to 3 cups mesclun lettuce
Rest of raw salmon (a few blocks) 1 tablespoon
tablespoon sesame seeds, white or black or both
radishes curly or decorated, kept in ice water
1 / 2 cup mayonnaise 1 tablespoon roughly
teaspoon wasabi powder or sesame oil over

Roasted Vegetables and fresh coriander variations in

Place the mesclun in the bottom of a dish or platter. Salmon jump quickly to the stove in a little olive oil and let cool slightly. Crumble or chop coarsely if desired and place on lettuce. Sprinkle with sesame seeds. Place the radishes and veggies all around. Mix mayonnaise and wasabi. Submit a dome in the center of the plate. Sprinkle lightly roasted sesame oil. Serve immediately.