Friday, November 26, 2010

Walk Through Walls Cheat Com

My dear Colette

Soiree insomnia
crossword puzzles, sudoku and rereading Colette
is a time of boundless creativity for me right now. I time is all. I am looking for work as a freelance illustrator and I badly need to rebuild my portfolio. Designers love the black and white, it costs nothing to print and the quality is always perfect. The shades of gray need attention when printing and color is expensive. I love working with Chinese brush-style Japanese. I started in 1998 with ; a course in Chinese painting at the Montreal Botanical Garden with Zhang Lian Who. I like to add shades of gray, but the richest drawing pure black is a challenge because it must be flawless if it sees itself as a pimple on the nose. Here is my version of a portrait of Colette. A contemporary, as I imagine with my eyes in 2010, she lived a century earlier. It would be really rock and roll today, maybe punk, underground for sure. His life was in chat trade shows, today it would talk to her on the web and throughout the blogosphere. This is the only author whose work I complete. I must say that I prefer contemporaries and their work can not be complete before they die, I'm in no hurry to see it coming. I also have time to read other blogs and here is a challenge of another blogger. A challenge I blog of herbs, flowers:

"Quote fifteen authors, including poets who have influenced you and keep you always in your heart. List and less fifteen minutes the first 15 that come to mind. "

1. Herge, Tintin and Snowy with it has opened the doors of reading.

2. Felix Leclerc, was my great love and even driven from her Adagio were pleasant.

3. Colette, my great, my dear Colette. She's like my big sister. Every time I set the table I want to cover for her so I wish she was here.

4. Baudelaire, with whom I spent my late teens and that made me feel less isolated in my sensuality.

5. Isaac Azimov, who opened a world between fantasy and science when I studied in the pure sciences.

6. Michel Tremblay, the novels especially, where strong women are poor and even rejected.

7. Emile Nelligan, the beauty of his poetry and the sadness of his life always inspires me to write before it is too late.

8. Hugo Pratt who made me dream of travel and adventure with his character Corto Malta.
9. Trevor Ferguson, an author of Anglo Montreal that allowed me to see that talent is often at the corner. He lived in Park Extension next to my house.

10. Gabrielle Roy, moving and realistic, it tells us history in its own way. A great writer who lives in me when I go to St-Henri.

11. Kim Dong-Hwa, a Korean who made the comics in a very Buddhist, these images are stylized and sometimes stunning, his lyrics are simple and accessible.

12. Daniel Pennac for its rhythm, its sense of the ridiculous and the breath he brought to the detective.

13. Gilles Vignault, what poet, read his texts, he writes better than he sings.

14. Hélène Leclerc, author of haiku and friend, his writing amazes me.

15. Nicolas Dickner, author who delighted me. I recommend it.


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