Friday, October 1, 2010

Ringworm From My Horse

Geraniums in pots

geraniums bloomed in a box
all summer

I never had such beautiful geraniums that this summer. ais I always hung in a planter at the gallery. In my former home had squirrels bury their snacks and put together the roots of my flowers the sun that they did not like at all. I had to replant replace them often and even during the summer. The traffic noise from my new street scares squirrels giving a chance to bloom. I have also released two languages stepmother who are also very well the front porch. I'll have them back soon. In my kitchen I have a table near a window that serves as my winter garden. I will have to find room for it all . I've a jasmine flower, an orchid at rest, a sage plant, a savory, a lucky bamboo, a beautiful plant lemongrass and baby nursery plants in Mexico. I did not particularly green thumb but I like taking care of plants. They never complain even if sometimes I fail a little. They are so grateful when I held that I trying to take good care. I also have two hanging baskets which I know the name of the plant and two ivy that make the mouth since they are on the refrigerator. The vibrations must prevent them from sleep, but I love their foliage hiding the side of the fridge. I will first try to give them a little fertilizer and see what happens. Moving it to the acclimatization at least one year. The time to go around the seasons. Already, the noise bothers me less. The windows are closed because of cold it is outside and the rain falling continuously since several days. I take the time to go swimming, I have no excuses, I live next to a brand new swimming pool and free. I finished the first draft of a haiku novel with well ten days ago and I am the first re-write. My first draft was written almost in its order not to break the thread of what was going through my head. I have a lot of work ahead of me to do something clever, but it's an interesting challenge. I give you the title:''Pots of grief.''I talk about Children, their frustrations and the need to grow up safe and toddlers. Instead of focusing on the good life I had I looked at all these little moments of reflection that I about life, the adult and child, who seemed so different. I have seventeen page copied on the computer. I first restored order in the stories example I gave the end in its place, because I had found it halfway. In re-writing I take this opportunity to add details and make himself called filling. It's like putting salad, tomato, mayonnaise in the ham sandwich. It's better, but had already found the ham. Honestly I did not expect that to be so much work but I have time and I take this opportunity. J'entrecoupe moments of writing by working a little different than I do for years, a cartoon. I have a scenario in your head for at least ten years. The character principal is a girl of the North Shore of Quebec named Marie-Noelle and everyone calls and Marino who was eighteen in 1967. As my favorite literary style is the haiku, I'm make a haïkubédé . You can go see my first try and tell me what you think. I think the comics pages are in dialogue in bubbles to advance the story. I think the haiku is too introspective to be dynamic and there was only that I would lose readers. Each new chapter will begin with a haïkubédé in order to feel the spirit in which the heroine is by presenting it in its environment will change often in history. A blind also to the landscape. I'm unemployed but not really idle. Well, here I return to my comic. It's still a baby and should I take care a lot.


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