Friday, December 3, 2010

What To Write In Your Best Friends Wedding Card


Last Chrysanthemums
not yet faded
early December

The snow is slow to settle in Montreal. ; She prefers to travel and the evening news show us photos of her in Europe. Seeing the world that form the youth, but the snow is a little old to change his habits. But hey, c is the new snow in early winter, it must be indulgent. The madness will pass it well and she returns home when his budget is exhausted, it is expensive in Europe. Yet I pull my shoes and put my bike. I installed the lights of Christmas on the balcony and the crib in a corner of the kitchen. I am ready to welcome him with open arms to make an angel in the yard. I think we said too bad about it there two years. Too much snow, too often and gnan, gnan gni and gnan, gnan, gnan she is upset and went to look elsewhere if we could not appreciate its true value. Such creative beauty and tranquility should have his fans and even his Facebook page. I register right away (actually I just checked and there are already several groups to create and I just join one because I really like the snow ). I also like icicles on the balconies, Frost and his drawings in the windows and the footprints we leave by walking in fresh snow. I love blowing too, the magic that leaves behind a freezing rain, calm after a super heavy snowfall. No monotony with the snow, we know what it holds, a volley of big fluffy flakes or slapped cream pies. But there she sulks and we too often we send her sister the rain, even freezing, just wetting. Fortunately the weather who knows a little ad we are back tomorrow. I will get my gloves, my hat and scarf red, those were her favorite and I'll go wait in the stairs as when expecting a visit from our favorite cousins. Like that once it is there we can go play together like old times. Here, I dream a little, because if the snow is what rejuvenates me not so here. I'll just go around the neighborhood with her. This will already be good to meet again.


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