Friday, October 22, 2010

How To Make A Dress Pattern


A must
from underneath the railway
to buy Wine

Obligatory passage
from Underneath the track to buy wine

Paso obligarorio
debajo del Ferrocaril
para comprar vino

Where I lived before a branch of Liquor situ ed was just around the corner of my street. Now if I want wine, I must take my bike and go under the overpass on Ontario Street to go up a little before the Pie IX, where is my nearest branch. I must confess that I do not go for nothing and I filled my bag provision, one that fits right in my bicycle basket. I have in my kitchen that has a serving tray for depositing the bottles of wine. I use it now more often than just during the holidays . Unfortunately, my concerns never last long and if you come see me and it ran dry, I'll buy beer, specialty stores of every corner and they are many in my corner. ; Last summer I saw the driver passing a bicycle every day loaded with crates of beer, empty or full, depending on whether it was going or return. It is a lucrative job that I love cycling, I'll think about it. The poor are often generous tip earlier this month at least. With my unemployment check, still generous, I feel like part of my neighborhood. I'll see the free shows of the house of culture. I read and see other newspapers such as the duty on the internet. J ' borrows the same DVD movie to my library, like that I have enough money to buy wine. I learned to drink the wine gently. My father, lover, we used a glass to my sisters and me every Sunday for dinner from the age of 15 years if we agreed. At this age it's hard to say no, of course in the good girl beginning we all preferred the white wine but my father preferred the red there was rarely on the table, unless my mother had had need for her recipe. Taste is easier to acquire than beer for girls, and I still have many friends who do not. I confess love and beer and wine, even in older, I appreciate more the fort. I took in 20 when I went out with friends, I resumed taste. So I have a cabinet where you can find some Cuban rum and liqueurs, but also be careful when opening the freezer because I ' There have been a bottle of dry gin and vodka. I like my drinks cold. My favorite gin club soda with lime. Gin Tonic kills the taste of gin. I drink So Friday night a gin and soda, thinking of my grandfather who was fond of. When autumn comes, I appreciate the vodka bloody mary, that was a favorite of my grandmother who was preparing doubles. I'm not drunk, even though my sisters and I jokingly replied to adults who are teen asked us what we wanted when we were big, like our drunken father. That made everyone laugh My father never tire of it. I drink moderately, than on weekends, no more than two glasses or I tasted, I have spasms in the neck from the radiation that cured me of a cancer. Finally, it is my health that outweighs the pleasure. I'd never drunk, but live longer than my father. I already have because he is dead at 47 years. Think about it if you drink every day! See how he was fine at 16 when my mother met.


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