Friday, November 19, 2010

Manual For My Reebok Heart

Planting Perennials Flowers

The flowers are faded
I still have the drawings that I copy

I just spent a few days with my daughter in the countryside, we have returned the land to plant the perennial last before the ground freezes. Large earthworms wriggling in our shovels and cats supervised laborers. During our last stay in Quebec the uncle of my daughter, my step-brother, had given him the plans of perennials, but she could not recognize them she did not know whether to plant them in full sun or more shade . It's like planting a little late but now they are either in a rock garden in the east of the house or near the parking lot under the rosehips. There were hostas and astilbe, irises, daylilies and two unidentified plants. We took the risk to plant them in the sun, even to transport them elsewhere if they do not adapt well. As the terrain is mountainous, the land is full of rocks and roots we spent a lot of effort for these few plants. The forest extends over two sides and fir, birch, pine and ash are the appreciated shade in the summer but they extend their roots as far as they can. It's nice to plant flowers. It is a promise of beauty for the next year. My daughter is currently in a youth center and the exercise gave him the idea to sow seeds in pots with them. It is a activity it has already done with disabled children. I am amazed at all the experience that already has my daughter. She took care of a woman with Down syndrome, youth with disabilities, children with autism and of difficult teens. She's only 23 and she already knows he is hardu to help others. The idea of seeding, to see grow, harvest can be expected to help young people who do not see beyond that now, without one now since no future consequences. Like what Zen is not limited only to the here and now, you also need a little wisdom . It's nice to see grow a beautiful plant, straight and strong and I am proud to see my daughter grow and blossom like a flower, a perennial I feel good.


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