Friday, October 15, 2010

Business Objects Automatically Refresh

At the hospital

His leg is broken
but can still talk
same hospital

My friend is in hospital with a double fracture of his left leg. The one below the knee and the other near the ankle, it makes him look good, yellow and swollen at the moment. The doctors are waiting for the swelling resolves to make him and put pieces of metal, she knows where and does not know the details. My friend has a good moral, enter the hospital spent 50 years for a broken leg while hiking in the mountains makes you a daredevil and is more gold éole glory than being a cancer as the majority of our friends, myself included. This friend who accompanied me was one of those each day at the hospital for treatment of radio and chemo therapy treatments, which lasted two months ago eight years now. She was my favorite because it speaks a lot and kept me thinking about what was happening. It is available if it replaced at short notice, those who had an impediment. She has a big heart for it accompanied him until last week another of her friends with cancer of the uterus. I'll see every day since Monday, is not exactly because I feel indebted, even if 'ago, but mostly because it makes me happy. Caring for others, especially those I love, it's nice for me. Day before yesterday I spent an hour to untie the knots he had it in her hair behind her head. This friend has curly hair and thin it was a good ball crimped and entangled to ensure that does not return I made him ais lulus. ; She is cute and funny with her pigtails of red hair, everyone calls Fifi strand of steel. I must confess that yesterday she looked tired and the jokes were more rare. The pain is still present despite the drugs and the boredom and watching closely the greenhouse. Unable to read the blurred view of the absorption of painkillers, TV, she hates, is the MP3 player and friends. As I am unemployed, I'll see the end of the afternoon. The hospital where she is staying on the same subway line that my apartment and the journey takes only fifteen minutes. She is eager to finally see a doctor and be given the ok for surgery. After she must have at least 6 weeks of convalescence at home. She lives on the third floor and will need help shopping. Go see a friend with limited mobility to zero makes me doubly appreciate my travels. I continue to swim at lunchtime as she wonders when she will resume her aerobics and she says she does not forget to request a doctor's note in order to suspend its membership at the YMCA. J have noticed the swelling had diminished a little. The operation will be soon. I wish him all these friends as facebook, a speedy recovery.


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