Friday, September 24, 2010

Why My Daughter Has Discharge At 15

Center Malépart

Under an autumn sky
walk to the pool without getting wet

Under an autumn sky
Walking To The swimming pool
wethout getting wet

Bajo cielo de otoño
a caminar hacia la piscina sin

These are new pages for the project Sketchbook. I always associate a haiku which I translate into English and soon also in English. This project allows me to explore my neighborhood. I draw what is around me and in the activities in which I participate. This week I took my first Pilates class that I hated. I had the impression of being in the army, the very idea of suffering for me well I am disgusted at the highest point. I immediately made a change of course to follow rather than yoga and I met a ais excellent teacher who has a soft voice and calm. I gave up today to go swimming as I do every day of the week because I have too much pain everywhere, especially at the shoulders. It is the fault of Pilates, you'll catch me doing it. I preferred the bar to the ground than we did in dance, it looks like him but he did not mind this: it hurts but it's good for you, rather you want it to be a dancer then work your muscles. At that time I was young and much fitter but mostly I was doing this kind of exercise three times a week and it was much less painful. Just once a week that can only be painful, this is not enough to improve my muscle strength significantly. Yoga, I practice at home already, but intermittently taking a course that motivates me more. The evolution is slow but painless and more natural. At least there are three men in yoga classes cons not one in pilates. Women are always on the lookout for what is fashionable and I can tell you that it's less fun than aerobics. I will continue to swim as often as possible, I am made to 24 lengths of 25m, and do yoga with me from time to time with the support of my course of Wednesday evening. Tomorrow I'll do the bike to see the artists neighborhood during the Days of Culture because there is much to see. Same for Sunday. I'll be busy, a chance that I'm in shape.

arrive at the end of the corridor
catch my breath
Arriving At The End Of The
swimming lane
catching my breath
llegar hasta el
del corridor recuperar el aliento Natacion


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