Thursday, March 3, 2011

Specialized Croosroads Bike

81st International Motor Show Geneva from 3 to 13 March 2011 Legislative

Starting today, March 3, 2011 and until 13 March inclusive , the auto show in Geneva you hosts at Palexpo in Switzerland for its 81st edition.
Come discover all the new exhibition from 10am to 20pm on weekdays and from 9 am to 19h Saturday and Sunday.

Address: Geneva Palexpo
Le Grand-Saconnex , Switzerland , 1218

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How Much Is Charizard


studio for his third embodiment, the collective of Marly-le-roi, Danakil , decided to combine his influences with reggae-roots of Malian music. "Echoes of Time" have indeed been recorded in the famous Tuff Gong studio Bob Marley Kingston, and in those of Manjul to Bamako. choirs and traditional African instruments to harmonize while swaying rhythms of reggae frenchies. Winston McAnuff and Matthew, U-roy (on the resumption of Piaf 'I regret nothing ") and Jean Natty come to cast their vote these Afro-Jamaican colors. Danakil decidedly begins to take seed. Other output signal: N'zela with "Oye Dub" also offers a great album tinged dub reggae with African roots.
> "Exit Panama" and "I regret nothing" followed images during recording in Jamaica and Mali and the final phase of registration.

Romantic Annivesary Weekend

2011 Estonia: March 6 elections, but the online voting has started!

Read the following article on ESTONIA-TALLINN : Legislative 2011: Online voting began

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Watch Film On Usb Stick On A Tv

My love My poplars

the sweet sound of the wind
in leaves of poplars
the child falls asleep

I lived in the countryside for four years when I was little. J ' in fond memories. There was our house two giant balsam poplars that were my joy. I was convinced they touched the sky. Unfortunately we did not benefit very long because the After a year, the municipality decided to shoot them to widen the road. What has been done after our Initially, four years later. I liked the trees rustling in the slightest breath of wind, rain and smelly after losing their wool at the beginning of the summer making the ground all around as white in winter . I have often climbed and discovered the surrounding geography. and I learned that there was a creek and a lake behind the other side of the eighth rank. By the time I'm very could see the river.
I just participated in a scholarship offer Bayard Publishing to create a children's book talking about trees. This theme reminded me of this first contact with large trees. We reached the north coast and there are trees down rather rikiki. I'm inspired by my memories to write a story line and thus be able illustrate it. I have not chosen this image, a little too standard. I preferred to send a picture of a little girl climbed into a large tree and one of the top view that it was his house and surrounding areas. I realize that my drawing is very nice, my colors are very soft and that fashion is still the monsters and the heroes who fight them, but I hope the sponsor of the scholarship will be sensitive to the poetry of everyday life. In any case the exercise was revealing to me and I'll rework the text to perhaps offer a publishing house here.

How Do You Make A Wagon Cake

February 28 in Finland: commemoration of the first edition of Kalevala (February 28, 1835)

The triptych Aino which illustrates the first songs of the Kalevala
(Gallen-Kallela , The Aino triptych , 1891)

Small visit to Finland, "big brother" Estonia the time of this post. The Baltic Sea separates the two countries so close by distance (80 kilometers), but also by language, in fact, the Finnish and Estonian are among the Finno-Ugric languages and thus have the same roots.

February 28 is commemorated annually in Finland equal to the national holiday - Itsenäisyyspäivä - which commemorates the country's independence, the December 6, 1917 .

On 28 February, we celebrate the day Kalevala to commemorate the first edition of this book.
The Kalevala (the "Foodland heroes") is a long poem divided into fifty to 22,795 songs, composed by Elias Lönnrot the mid-nineteenth century from Finnish folk songs for all ages and all genres.

February 28, 1835, Elias Lönnrot, a country doctor in Finland 33 years, published a collection of 32 songs inspired by the traditional tales of Karelia, as the Kalevala (the Land of Heroes ).
Unusually in the history, the 32 songs of the Kalevala became the basis legendary Finnish culture. Two major Finnish artists, the painter Akseli Callen-Kallela (1865-1931) and the composer Jean Sibelius (1865-1957), have drawn much of their inspiration.

" Here a desire seized me
The idea came to me in mind
From start to recite
modulate words sacred
to sing the song of family
Old stories of our race ... "

"February 28, 1835: Elias Lönnrot publishes first Kalevala Karelian or the old songs of the Finnish people of yesteryear.
This February 28, 1835, Elias Lönnrot hoisted the people Suomi beyond its territories and its memory even up to all mankind: the sum that publishes poetry, he has harvested from men who speak their language, obscure village bards, the mourners, sorcerers that at the dawn of the nineteenth century, he went to listen with his colleagues, between lakes and forests. Figured in the limbo of human thought, sung for pleasure and need, including a people and necessary to its essence, these songs did not like them - and the epic that is born has no equivalent in human heritage [...]"

in 1928 that Elias Lönnrot had the idea to compile the legends of ancient Finland. He traveled
Finland and Karelia during the next seven years, visiting even the smallest villages. Then he compared and adapted these stories into a heroic epic which he called the Kalevala . This collection has expanded to encompass nearly 23,000 verses in 1849.
In reality, the Kalevala originates in part in ancient mythology and partly in the imagination of Elias Lönnrot itself. In his eagerness to want to write an epic comparable to Homer's Iliad, Lönnrot wrote entirely new poems from fragments of information he gathered during his travels. The Kalevala tells a quarrel between two peoples: Kaleva from Southern Finland and Pohjola from northern Finland and Lapland. The Kalevala
has not only been translated into over 45 languages, but he probably also formed the basis of JRR Tolkien. For example, the story of Kullervo has been widely used in the Silmarillion including the sword that speaks when anti-hero uses it to commit suicide.
It was translated into French by Jean Louis Perret in 1927. The prose translation that was used in general in these records is that of L. Léouzon The Duke (1867) .

To read the story (the fifty songs) of the Kalevala in its entirety, click here

Forging of the Sampo.
Fresco National Museum of Finland painted by Akseli Gallen-Kallela in 1928
Defending sampo (Gallen-Kallela, 1896)

Kullervo swears revenge on the wife of Ilmarinen
(Gallen-Kallela, The curse of Kullervo , 1899)

Lönnrot Elias, the man to whom we owe the Kalevala, was a veritable fount of knowledge: it was explorer, physician, poet and linguist.
What prompted him to write the Kalevala is the design, he shared with the German scholar JG Herder (1744-1803) that a nation can exist without a well defined cultural identity. The Grand Duchy of Finland had been annexed by Russia in 1809 and did not become independent until the Russian Revolution in 1917.
his lifetime Lönnrot became famous thanks to Kalevala but also in its dictionaries and newspapers he ran. Today he is considered one of the fathers of Finnish writing. The small country house
Paikkari where he was born is ownership of the Finnish National Board of Antiquities. She is now a museum and is located in the town of Sammatti about 75 km west of Helsinki.

Paikkari Cottage, birthplace of Elias Lönnrot

Elias Lönnrot


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Frequent Periods Breast Cancer


The five fellows travelers Moriarty put their suitcases full of sounds gleaned from their tour April 26 with a second album titled "The Missing room". Carried by voice delicious Charlene Dupuy, the combo through the arid, dusty and sunny of folk, country, blues and rock. But having no sense of boundaries, but rather that of adventure and the art of telling stories, Moriarty may leave us speechless, on the side. Time to take a swig to refresh our throats, they will take us a ride in their pickup. They travel in solidarity. It will do us good.
> Some snippets of life and "Isabella", first single

sent ZAMORA_PROD . - Clip , interview and concert.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What Does High Bond Energy Mean?

February 24 is National Day in Estonia

The Republic of Estonia was founded February 24, 1918, when the Committee of Public Hi (Päästekomitee) proclaimed the independence of the Republic of Estonia.
The Independence Day was celebrated on that date until the Soviet occupation in 1940.
During the Soviet occupation, the Independence Day was celebrated in Estonian communities around the world. Each
February 24, the U.S. secretary of state addressed his congratulations to Ernst Jaakson, diplomatic representative of the Republic of Estonia to the United States.
The February 24, 1989 , the red flag of Soviet Estonia, which floated on the hill Toompea was replaced by the Estonian national flag blue-black-white .
Since then, the Independence Day is a holiday again. This year Estonia is celebrating the 93rd anniversary of the declaration of independence .

The quest for independence
For centuries, the Estonians had dreamed of founding a state that is not under foreign domination. The revolution of 1917 and the generally unstable situation in Russia, Estonia gave the opportunity to gain independence.
On 8 April 1917, the Estonian military organizations and a total of 40,000 people, organized in Petrograd (St. Petersburg) a demonstration for independence of Estonia. The peaceful demonstration achieved its goal when, on April 12, the Russian Provisional Government approved the Act on the Autonomy of Estonia which bound the government to the regions Livonian Estland Tartu, Võru, Viljandi, Pärnu and Saaremaa. For the first time, an Estonian, Jaan Poska was appointed government commissioner to Estland.
Diet sixty-two members, the Maapäev , was elected. The Maapäev appointed a national executive committee which began to organize and modernize local government and educational institutions. Before its dissolution forced by Bolshevik authorities and the imminent invasion of the German forces, the Maapäev takes a decisive step towards sovereignty by proclaiming November 15, 1917, the highest authority in Estonia.
For a short time,
the flag of the Estonian SSR & the Republic of Estonia
Waved side by side on Toompea Hill in Tallinn

The proclamation of independence
Elections Estonian Constituent Assembly took place on 3 and 4 February 1918. Parties supported the national independence obtained two thirds of the popular vote. In the context of the hasty retreat of Soviet forces and the advancing German forces, the Maapäev elects a public Hi ( Päästekomitee ) three members to whom he gave full powers to ensure business continuity of the diet. Hi Public Committee drafted a declaration of independence.
February 19, 1918, the Committee Alumni Maapaëv approved the manifesto and 24 February 1918, the Committee of Public Hi publicly proclaimed independent republic of Estonia and democratic.

Signing of Tartu Peace Treaty With Soviet Russia on 2 February 1920

Having proclaimed its independence, Estonia was forced to wage a war of independence against Soviet Russia and German forces. During this war Estonia stabilizing its borders and February 2, 1920, she signed the Tartu Peace Treaty with Soviet Russia .

The restoration of independence

In the late 80s, hoping to restore the independence of the nation grew and Estonians began to publicly celebrate the Independence Day even before the end of Soviet occupation. Since the restoration of independence 20 August 1991, the Independence Day continues to be a day of celebration and reflection for the Estonians.

February 24, 2011: Celebration the 93rd anniversary the proclamation of national independence of the Republic of Estonia.

Days and times of ceremonies in Tallinn :

Wednesday, February 23

11:00 Wreath laying at the graves of persons of Estonian State
1:00 p.m. "Estonia thank" surrender of national decorations by the President of the Republic, Toomas Hendrik Ilves

Wednesday, February 24
7:33 Solemn ceremony of raising the flag atop the tower Pikk Hermann in Tallinn
9:00 Wreath laying at the monument to the war of independence on the square in Tallinn Vabaduse
Ecumenical Church Service 9:45 Independence Day in Dome Church Tallinn
11:00 Parade of the armed forces on the square in Tallinn Vabaduse
1:00 p.m. Awards scientific and cultural communities by Prime Minister Andrus Ansip
6:00 p.m. Concert and Independence Day Reception officially granted by the President of the Republic and Mrs Evelin Ilves in Tallinn, Estonia at the theater.

The Notorious Shelly Martinez Watch

Emma of Normandy Queen in Viking times (987-1052)

Emma of Normandy Queen in Viking times (987-1052) (Editions La Louve, 2010) , is writing a book by Stephen William Gondoin , historian and journalist Norman. He is the author of several books on the medieval period.

One imagines wrongly William the Conqueror was the first Norman to sit on the throne of England. Some sixty years before Hastings, it was preceded by a young girl named Emma ...
First victory: Aethelred II
Emma is the daughter of Duke Richard I of Normandy, and sister of Duke Richard II. It was he who decided at the beginning of the year 1002, of the marriage with King Ethelred II of England (or Æthelred II).

There is then a fortnight of spring and about 20 years younger than the man to whom it unites. Widower with one or two occasions Æthelred is already the father of a dozen brats. Emma comes then into the unknown and lost in a huge family she does not even speak the language. The oldest of her step-son was barely his age.

Soon, Emma discovers that the man whom we have united without asking her opinion is a monster and bloodthirsty incompetent. This is especially he who ordered the massacre of all Danes in England's famous day of Saint-Brice in a sort of St. Bartholomew in the north.

The terse contemporary texts suggest that she feels only contempt for the king weak, cruel, unable to stem the onslaught Scandinavian ready for all the meanness. She gives him nevertheless and son, Edward and Alfred, and a daughter named Godgifu. During these years "learning" , she says her character and gets a taste of power.

In 1013, the pressure on England Scandinavian becomes so strong that Emma and her family must leave briefly in Normandy, the court of his brother Richard II. The royal couple may return to the island the following year, but the two youngest children remain at the ducal court to be brought up safely. Only Edward, the eldest, seems to have accompanied and play a role in the unfolding of events.

Emma arrives at Richard II, however, that the Dane Svein is killed by Saint Edmond (the history of St. Edward King translated from Latin, Cambridge Library, a manuscript of the thirteenth century )

Second ring: Knut the Great
Æthelred died in 1016, while the Danish chief Knut (or Knútr ) carries out the conquest of his kingdom. Emma can hope to play a political role as a mother of two potential heirs to the throne, but the alien invasion threatens to reduce its hopes to nothing. She may even lose her dower in turmoil.

She does not hesitate a moment when Knútr, ascended the throne at the tip of his sword, he offers to marry her. By joining the widow its predecessor, the new sovereign is a continuation and legitimate dynastic conquest. Emma is on her queen of the peoples of England. They both earn. Edward returns to his part in Normandy promptly "to avoid being slain" .

Knútr then becomes the Great King of Denmark (1019) and Norway (1028), constituting what historians often call the Danish Empire.

In his arms, Emma 18-year reign over England. Many signs point to a government held together. It also seems to have assumed the regency during the frequent absences of her husband. She gives him a son, Hörthaknútr, and a daughter, Gunnhildr. She forgets the three children from his first marriage, which will face a long exile in Normandy.

Knútr died in 1035, leaving behind him, in addition Hörthaknútr, a son born of an illegitimate union called Harold Harefoot ( Pied-de-Lièvre ).

Hörthaknútr then being held in Denmark, he can not defend its interests in person. Emma takes charge, but Harold and his mother managed to oust him. It must, for the second time in his life, resolve to take the path of exile. This time she finds refuge in Flanders and plots tirelessly to try to put her son on the throne. Finally in 1040, Harold died suddenly.

Hörthaknútr Emma and sail at once to England at the head of an impressive fleet. She finally accomplished his dream and becomes the almighty "mater regis" , the king's mother. She remembers her son Edward, who lives in Normandy for 20 years, and invited him to travel with her, probably for purely policies. She is also writing a book about this period in his glory, ' "Encomium Emma Reginae " ( praise of Queen Emma ).

Emma of Normandy receiving the Encomium Emma Reginae of its author, circa 1041-1042. His son Edward the Confessor and Hardiknut are in the background
But in Emma's life, the happiness and moments of triumph are often ephemeral. In 1042, Hörthaknútr died suddenly during a banquet and Edward encircled the crown in turn. Emma hopes to retain power at his side and perform a sort of regency occult. It fails very soon.

Island, said the Confessor, has not forgotten the scorn with which she was once treated and he bluntly rejects business from 1043.

Thus ends the political career of Emma of Normandy, twice queen of England and mother of two kings. She ended her days peacefully in his area of Winchester and off March 6, 1052. A poet sums up his life in the late eleventh century "She had a son of kings and kings for my husband" .


Monday, February 21, 2011

What Is A Good Medication For Indigestion

A planned obsolescence

But what planned obsolescence?

one bulb works for over 109 years, with tights that do not spin, our engineers can do the infallible ... but companies integrate their strategies in the obsolescence of their products: the bulbs should last no more than 1000 hours, tights are spinning ... to create demand at the expense of the waste we generate, we are depleting resources.

The planned obsolescence (or obsolescence) is to create a property by providing in advance the date of obsolescence.
By this process, manufacturers design objects whose shelf-life (but not necessarily the technical lifetime) is deliberately short.
This scheme requires consumers to replace their products quickly, and therefore, to buy new goods. In some cases, manufacturers deliberately add some design flaws in their products.
This technique is particularly used by manufacturers of household appliances, computers and their peripherals, software, devices with an electrical cord, a machine with ball bearings, automobiles, electronics, Devices and domestic appliances that require the use of any recharge.

Without planned obsolescence, malls would perhaps never existed!

On ARTE : Survey of planned obsolescence
This documentary was scheduled Tuesday, February 15, 2011, if you have not seen it, you can watch the video on the internet or at the end of this post.
Rebroadcast of documentary "Ready to throw" the Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 03:25

In Western countries, the plague cons of low-end products that must be replaced constantly. While in Ghana, it is exasperated by those who come from computer waste containers. This aberrant growth pattern that grows produce and throw even more did not start yesterday. By the 1920s, a formidable concept was developed: planned obsolescence. "A product that does not wear is a tragedy for business," read one in 1928 in a journal. Gradually, it forced the engineers to create products that wear out more quickly to increase demand consumers.

Growth mad
"At the time, sustainability was not a major concern," Warner recalls Phillips, great-grand-son of the founders of the brand of the same name. But while the planet's resources are exhausted, nothing has changed. "The logic is growing to grow," said Serge Latouche, emeritus professor of economics at the University of Paris 11. Tour in France, Germany, Spain, Ghana and the United States, fed by numerous archives and interviews with, for guiding the test of a printer recalcitrant this demonstration careful flushes avatars of planned obsolescence and their implications. It also outlines other models: the decay advocated by Serge Latouche, an industry that produces and infinitely recyclable, just like nature.
A fascinating investigation, which, once past the frustration, initiates reflection.

Director: Cosima Dannoritzer
(France, 2010, 75mn) ARTE F
More information:

Ready throw "tells the fascinating history of planned obsolescence, a concept widely applied by industry and which is deliberately shorten the life of a product to increase consumption.
phenomenon based on the principle" A used product = a product sold! "has a dual negative effect: increasing the volume of waste and depleting natural resources.
is a tragedy for the modern society of growth, which is based on a cycle of increasingly accelerated production , consumption and waste. "
Filmed around the world, the film "Ready to throw" is a demonstration as implacable enlightening this concept as old as the industry but still alive. C3% A9e
http://blogs /

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Nausea From Flu Shots

February 20, 2011: Marathon of Tartu (Estonia) has taken place! Karl

The winner of The 40th Tartu Maraton SI Jerry Ahrlin

The fastest man on the 63 km of trails Marathon Tartu today was the Swede Jerry Ahrlin with a time of 2h 41mn and 23 seconds.
Anders Aukland took second place and third is Simen Oestensen , both Norwegians.
The race was held by a very cold but sunny.
The pace of the race was very fast especially in the last third. In the end, Jerry Ahrlin, who won the same marathon in 2007, proved his dominance and took the top spot on the podium. According
the winner, the race was quite difficult , and he was not sure of winning until the final meters.
With this victory, Arhlin also took the position as overall leader of the FIS Marathon Cup. "I am very happy to have won, and it's also a good feeling to take the jersey of leader of the FIS Marathon Cup. Finally, it shows who's the best skier of the season," added the winner.

Regarding women's winner in this race was the Norwegian Sandra Hansson for which it was the third consecutive win in Estonia.

The two main races of Tartu Marathon, the 63 km and 31 km, were held today, February 20, 2011, in southern Estonia.
This event is for the calendar of the most important ski race long-distance FIS Marathon Cup and the list of the greatest marathons in the world-Worldloppet.
was the 40th Marathon of Tartu.

Tartu Maraton - trailer

Extreme conditions with temperatures around -20 ° C were expected today for the 40th edition of the Estonian People's biggest race, the Tartu Marathon.
In general, the organizers of the largest ski marathon in northern Europe (the 5th World classical) fear the lack of snow. This year she is present but the cold was the worst fear: a cancellation of the event.
In fact, international rules stipulate that we must cancel or postpone a test ski if the temperature drops below -25 ° C.
But a cold snap arrived a few days ago about Estonia, with temperatures down to -27 ° C.

After looking closely at the weather around Tartu, organizers have finally decided to keep the 40th Marathon. It was reported temperatures of about -20 ° C and times of events could simply be shifted from 9 to 10am to start in less extreme conditions.
The organization advised the participants to be equipped with at least 3 layers of clothing. Other tips are to wear trash bags to retain body heat and stop the wind without much increase. It was also thought to cover the cheeks and nose. For this test
FIS Marathon Cup, 8187 competitors from 31 countries had registered this year for the 63km (6000 base) and 31km.
At both the number of participants that country, this year marks a new record. Last year, at the same time, there were 6502 enrolled.
The Tartu Marathon is a major event in Estonia and the whole country is passionate about this long distance race that records the presence of the best world specialists.
The French Team Duchène Grenoble, Mondon and Berhault were present, along with the Team Fischer Vosgiens Mougel and Weibel.
Below is a report on the Tartu Marathon which rose yesterday on Estonian TV.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

How To Make Welded Wire Leaners

RISTIKIVI, Estonian writer (1912-1977)

Excerpts from book The goal of human (1972)
Translated from the Estonian by Jean Pascal Ollivry

Our roots are not in our childhood,
in the native soil in a plot of land in the meadow enclosed

where children play in kindergarten .
Our roots are in every place
that we once crossed.

Thus, as cleavers, croissons
us in our grip here and there.
And those roads that meander endlessly
and forests
bluish in the distance - not to mention the mountains of our dreams -
foreign places and foreign names,
become our new and foreign.

They do not leave us for good. Suddenly
cane walker's green again, and
takes root and blooms again.


Meie ei ole juured lapsepõlves,
kodumullas maakamaras ja,
murukoplis, kus
aabitsalapsed mängivad. Meie
juured we igas paige,
kust we have ever been around. So we grow

way to getting here and there. And they revolve around the way
sinavad forests and the distance, not to mention the mountains
strangers and unfamiliar place names, and re-embrace them

did they really disappear. Maybe
verdant traveler
wand, and cultivates flowers and roots.


Friday, February 18, 2011

Does Plan B Make You Piss More

between bright colored leaves
nuts I know, we're still in winter but the weather, + 12 degree celsius TODAY 'Today we did more thinking spring is coming. The seasons are all mixed. I show you this watercolor because I completed a series of Buddha recently. A Buddha for each season, just for fun to imagine a monk in a posture and an environment for this season. I just sell the little watercolor. I'm glad because I like it. It is calm and serene, indeed generous. I often give little exercises to do to renew my images portfolio. I'll probably include a copy of it. I've also just completed a draft text for a children's book: My poplars. In I did not have written that to have a frame to illustrate. The goal is always to draw, this is my true passion. I'll start drawing today. I found it fun, writing and drawing is interesting. I have Moreover, the views of the author which is superimposed on that of the artist: cake with two floors. The question is what a publisher would say. As it is over, I'll see if the result worth the trip.

Where Can I Buy Bulk Plant Pots

Estonia opens a road 26 kilometers long on the frozen Baltic Sea

Ice Road to Hiiumaa
( )

TALLINN (AFP) - 18/02/2011 2:59 p.m.

Estonia opens Saturday on a road 26 km long ice connecting through a frozen part of the Baltic, the main port of Estonian Rohukula the island of Hiiumaa said Friday the administration of highways.

"The ice road is open year where winters are cold enough that the sea freezes and the ice bear the weight of cars," he told AFP a spokesman of the Administration of highways, Raido Randmaa.

According to a special law, the Estonian authorities give green light when the sea ice is thick at least 25 centimeters, has yet indicated the spokesman.

"But in general we expect it to reach 30 cm across," he said.

The opening of the ice road between the port of Rohukula (northeast) and the island of Hiiumaa (a little over 10,000 inhabitants) is always an important event for the islanders.

"The ice bridge is still very popular and is busy on weekends, "he said Raido Randmaa.

safety is closely monitored by special patrols.

" One of the main rules is to not let a vehicle every two minutes. Drivers should not get too ahead of them if cars could break the ice, "said Mr. Randmaa AFP.

It is unclear how long the longest frozen road in Europe will open. In 2010 it was open only 11 days in February.

"Our biggest enemy is not only heat but also cold, which could cause cracks within the ice," said Randmaa Raido.

Compared to regular ferry service, ice road reduced the journey from mainland Estonia Hiiumaa up from 2.5 hours to half an hour.

also read "Take ice road " in the post "The best of Estonia: the inevitable" to " Tallinn Estonia .


Window Trim A Lot Or A Little Which Is Better

Council Budget 2011 General Indre et Loire: what about the beltway Northwest and what budget for the Regional Heritage?

On 21 January, the General Council of Indre et Loire adopted its budget for 2011. This amounts to almost 569 million euros.
In a context marked by an unprecedented increase in social spending, the Department faces and reaffirms its willingness to act in all Touraine and mitigate the effects of the crisis by giving priority to solidarity and Employment (240 million euros are allocated to expenditure of solidarity and social life) .
Major roadworks are continuing, including the end of the device Northwest.
63 million euros are spent on road infrastructure (roads, works and transport).

The device Northwest

Putting into operation of the expressway linking La Riche, and Fondettes Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire will be by steps:
the first section (Fondettes South) Easter,
second (Fondettes North) at the beginning of September
last (St Cyr-sur-Loire ) in December.
On site work continues: we must still make some floor coverings, arrangements landscaping, lighting and install security devices ...
Ultimately, this new section Boulevard device will reduce travel times to travel from North to South .
6.5 km long, it facilitate service to various areas sector activities. The General Council will allocate 13 million euros .

5.8 million 2011 budget of the General Council are tourist / heritage area.

The Regional heritage
The General Council offers a diverse tourism and open to all. To develop green tourism and authentic, it continues its policy of redevelopment of its historic gardens.
In Museum of Prehistory of Grand-Pressigny , landscaped grounds will welcome the public this spring.

Chateau de Sache

In the valley of the Indre, the garden of chateau of Sache be changed from the end of 2011. The studies for the redevelopment gardens of the Priory of Saint-Cosme will for their part launched during the year.
The Loire is also central to this policy. Indeed, the General Council continues to fund the development of the Loire Cycling : more than 150 kilometers of bicycle paths are already laid out, marked and secured.


The Department will revive the marine Loire helping watermen's associations and restoring ports.
At Bréhémont , the work is completed.
They will continue this year in Langeais and Candes-Saint-Martin .

C hâteau de Cande

The field Cande, owned by General Council continues its metamorphosis. This year, work will include the rehabilitation of a reception building for the public and create a tasting room.
inaugurated before the summer, it will host workshops to discover local products like saffron, cheese Sainte-Maure de Touraine, the crackling, rillettes or the wines of the Loire Valley.
the heart of "Gardens and gourmet kitchens in the domain of Cande," installing a "vegetable animation" will soon allow the public to discover the secrets of gardening.
kitchens of the castle will be built this year to move forward cooking classes led by big names in gastronomy. The site will also invite young chefs in residence.

The royal fortress of Chinon host its tea room next summer. Basement terrace overlooking the garden, he would move a point with a small gourmet restaurant, wine bar and shop local.
