Thursday, September 9, 2010

Face Character Auditions

Sanimax Plant Closure flowered

In the backyard
climbing over the fence
of morning glories

There is beauty everywhere. What pleased me in this new apartment that I live in more rough wood floors, glass interior doors, light passing through the room and the kitchen is the back yard. A wall of gray hangar is completely covered with Virginia creeper and closing Frost, morning glory. In addition, the kitchen by the patio door I see the lane that goes north and trees that touch the tips of branches. This is not a river view but is an open and the river is 5 minutes. The fireworks are launched from the Ile Ste-Helene in front and the noise is so deafening that it is better to go see the show. There is a pool within 5 minutes from me and from I take advantage of 10 days. I go swimming every noon at least half an hour. My big disappointment is that I must renounce the crawl. Since the radiation I had in the neck to treat cancer of the throat, my neck is very stiff and I often go into spasm. So that when I swim the crawl, as I turn my head to breathe when I inevitably mid-length of the pool I have a cramp. All Cramps are unpleasant, but those in the neck are really tense. I had bought a mask and snorkel to swim without any problem but now the policy of pool safety in the city of Montreal's allowed. I mentioned my problem the officer to the pool that has made calls to see if I could get a waiver but to no avail. So I have to give up cralw. I feel I have taken 10 years at once. I swim like a grandma now and I have to fall back on the slow lane. Can not go fast in swimming the breaststroke. Exercise makes me still quite good for me to continue but I know that boredom is watching me and I'll get tired of the breaststroke. I do a bit of backstroke but only when it is small, I do not want to hit someone and this pool of strange currents that push us to the right at both ends. This is a brand new swimming pool and I intend to enjoy it, too bad pour le crawl.
In the backyard
climbing all over the fence
morning glory

En el patio trasero
escalando todo la valla
manana gloria


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