Friday, September 24, 2010

Nimrod Tent Owners Club

Tunisian Couscous with monkfish Ricardo

A seasonal dish, light and hearty, sustaining and protein and high-in-color, full of flavors. All-in-one. I confess that I have a weakness for this kind of dish, spicy and so easy to pretend to serve!

1 1 / 2 lb Monkfish
cubed 1 / 3 cup olive oil
1 onion, chopped finely
1 red pepper, seeded and diced 1 tablespoon
teaspoon ground cumin
1 / 2 c. Tea
paprika 1 / 2 c. teaspoon ground turmeric
1 zucchini, diced 2 cloves garlic
, finely chopped 2 tablespoons
tablespoons tomato paste 2 tablespoons
tablespoon lemon juice 1 tbsp
harissa sauce 1 can 19 ounces chickpeas,
rinsed and drained 2 cups chicken broth
1 / 4 cup currants 2 cups couscous

3 / 4 cup parsley, chopped Salt and pepper

In a pot or wok, brown the half the fish in half the oil. Add salt and pepper. Repeat with remaining fish. Set aside on a plate.

In the same pan, soften the onion and bell pepper with the spices in the remaining oil. Add zucchini, garlic, tomato paste, lemon juice and harissa sauce. Continue cooking about 2 minutes, stirring. Add chickpeas, broth and raisins. Bring to a boil and simmer about 2 minutes. Add the couscous, fish and mix well. Cover and remove from heat. Let stand for 5 minutes. Adjust seasoning. Serve in a large serving platter. Sprinkle with parsley and serve with lemon wedges.

Next time I will serve in the tajine preheated oven.

Source: Ricardo , vol.6, No. 5, p. 102

Why My Daughter Has Discharge At 15

Center Malépart

Under an autumn sky
walk to the pool without getting wet

Under an autumn sky
Walking To The swimming pool
wethout getting wet

Bajo cielo de otoño
a caminar hacia la piscina sin

These are new pages for the project Sketchbook. I always associate a haiku which I translate into English and soon also in English. This project allows me to explore my neighborhood. I draw what is around me and in the activities in which I participate. This week I took my first Pilates class that I hated. I had the impression of being in the army, the very idea of suffering for me well I am disgusted at the highest point. I immediately made a change of course to follow rather than yoga and I met a ais excellent teacher who has a soft voice and calm. I gave up today to go swimming as I do every day of the week because I have too much pain everywhere, especially at the shoulders. It is the fault of Pilates, you'll catch me doing it. I preferred the bar to the ground than we did in dance, it looks like him but he did not mind this: it hurts but it's good for you, rather you want it to be a dancer then work your muscles. At that time I was young and much fitter but mostly I was doing this kind of exercise three times a week and it was much less painful. Just once a week that can only be painful, this is not enough to improve my muscle strength significantly. Yoga, I practice at home already, but intermittently taking a course that motivates me more. The evolution is slow but painless and more natural. At least there are three men in yoga classes cons not one in pilates. Women are always on the lookout for what is fashionable and I can tell you that it's less fun than aerobics. I will continue to swim as often as possible, I am made to 24 lengths of 25m, and do yoga with me from time to time with the support of my course of Wednesday evening. Tomorrow I'll do the bike to see the artists neighborhood during the Days of Culture because there is much to see. Same for Sunday. I'll be busy, a chance that I'm in shape.

arrive at the end of the corridor
catch my breath
Arriving At The End Of The
swimming lane
catching my breath
llegar hasta el
del corridor recuperar el aliento Natacion

Saturday, September 18, 2010

How To Convert A Dog House To A Rabbit Cage

plant Sanimax
is long closed
pigeons to nest
My neighborhood, suburb M'lasse is semi industrial, so it is still affordable level of housing. But there are drawbacks and the worst is the noise. Just in front of me warehouse fruit and vegetables acueille Monday to Friday refrigerated trucks that run their engines from 5am until noon. The degree of pollution CO 2 was very high during the heat of summer and we would definitely close the windows before if we do not want to be asphyxiated . Just next there is this plant Sanimax , disused for several years it has the haunt of pigeons in the area. I like to go walk there because it is adjacent to the railway and there are still vacant lots covered with wildflowers. I made bouquets that I put in my kitchen away from the table because I bring the flowers with lots of tiny insects. The weekends are enjoyable without the noise of trucks and it gives me a good time to go walking along the track railway. I find miscellaneous objects including a small Bible in good condition, knee and wrist guards for all new skaters. I decided to make this place my playground and to perform multiple installations land art. My first try was a bit small, I'll have to see it will be more interesting. I still had a little success from the beginning because I was so focused on my job is to photograph a train passed slowly and the driver smiled and greeted me in passing. It had a view from above of my speech and it made him smile. Apples in track, surrounded by white and yellow flowers and casseroles pine, it is surprising and fun is on. I will continue even if only to amuse a train driver or two.
Sanimax factory
closed for a long time
nesting place for pigeons
The manufacture is a Sanimax
cerrada desde Lango
anidacion of palomas

Monday, September 13, 2010

Gay Masterbateing Games

salad sushi tomorrow

Here is a picture that slept since last year ... Salad unpretentious but excellent to move the remains the day after a festive evening under the theme of sushi. So simple it's almost not a recipe but have a suggestion really. At you to execute, issue of extending the party and lose nothing.

2 to 3 cups mesclun lettuce
Rest of raw salmon (a few blocks) 1 tablespoon
tablespoon sesame seeds, white or black or both
radishes curly or decorated, kept in ice water
1 / 2 cup mayonnaise 1 tablespoon roughly
teaspoon wasabi powder or sesame oil over

Roasted Vegetables and fresh coriander variations in

Place the mesclun in the bottom of a dish or platter. Salmon jump quickly to the stove in a little olive oil and let cool slightly. Crumble or chop coarsely if desired and place on lettuce. Sprinkle with sesame seeds. Place the radishes and veggies all around. Mix mayonnaise and wasabi. Submit a dome in the center of the plate. Sprinkle lightly roasted sesame oil. Serve immediately.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Face Character Auditions

Sanimax Plant Closure flowered

In the backyard
climbing over the fence
of morning glories

There is beauty everywhere. What pleased me in this new apartment that I live in more rough wood floors, glass interior doors, light passing through the room and the kitchen is the back yard. A wall of gray hangar is completely covered with Virginia creeper and closing Frost, morning glory. In addition, the kitchen by the patio door I see the lane that goes north and trees that touch the tips of branches. This is not a river view but is an open and the river is 5 minutes. The fireworks are launched from the Ile Ste-Helene in front and the noise is so deafening that it is better to go see the show. There is a pool within 5 minutes from me and from I take advantage of 10 days. I go swimming every noon at least half an hour. My big disappointment is that I must renounce the crawl. Since the radiation I had in the neck to treat cancer of the throat, my neck is very stiff and I often go into spasm. So that when I swim the crawl, as I turn my head to breathe when I inevitably mid-length of the pool I have a cramp. All Cramps are unpleasant, but those in the neck are really tense. I had bought a mask and snorkel to swim without any problem but now the policy of pool safety in the city of Montreal's allowed. I mentioned my problem the officer to the pool that has made calls to see if I could get a waiver but to no avail. So I have to give up cralw. I feel I have taken 10 years at once. I swim like a grandma now and I have to fall back on the slow lane. Can not go fast in swimming the breaststroke. Exercise makes me still quite good for me to continue but I know that boredom is watching me and I'll get tired of the breaststroke. I do a bit of backstroke but only when it is small, I do not want to hit someone and this pool of strange currents that push us to the right at both ends. This is a brand new swimming pool and I intend to enjoy it, too bad pour le crawl.
In the backyard
climbing all over the fence
morning glory

En el patio trasero
escalando todo la valla
manana gloria

Monday, September 6, 2010

Rash On Baby Butt Blisters

Who me into his not giving me even more reason to party?

Good morning ... you asleep and did not even drink your coffee, Tarzile appears in your inbox simply to tell you that you book one of her babies. Because Tarzile is like this, resourceful, able to return more bad news like a glove, boundless generosity. So here I am with the boy. Which is not the least because of small size, the book is cute as whole and does not mean you remove the taste feast. No, no, no ... Indeed, it multiplies it by " Fifteen good reasons to celebrate Easter at Saint Glinglin through Christmas and Mother's Day . You'll find themed menus and catchy, funky ideas for table decorations, gifts and gourmet customized in a convenient format. The book itself will be the best gift to your friend greedy es-es, es-connected or not: for they are not or are in search of ideas, with this gem hands they will find enough to make. A healthy transfusion

traditions and know-how the party ... so to speak! And just as he is quoted as epigraph to the book ...

"Friends, a bottle of wine, leisure, sitting among the flowers ... I would not trade the joy for this world or future. "                                                                                   Hafiz, Persian poet

I literally fell into a swoon before the Symphony autumn fruit, neither more nor less than a fruit salad flavored with maple syrup and rosemary and served in a glass. Unusual and simple to both an efficiency ratio before festivity. Was thinking!

Or a music festival, with napkin rings to make in partitions recovered. I see the head of my man here, wondering why that is?

But still, am I not remained totally speechless and over again before the prohibited has melted chocolate from the forest itself "forbidden" with his original blend of spices and rosemary tree for now needs of the case.

I pause here to let you discover history of your reasons to love this book and their authors, brilliant, generous and prolific. How to say thank you to just such a work, created to praise the lives of so many opportunities we offer ... to celebrate and be celebrated, to love and be loved!

Sylvie Beauregard, Veronique Chapacou, Fifteen good reasons to celebrate Easter at Saint Glinglin through Christmas and Mother's Day. Themed menus, decoration ideas, gourmet gifts. Tana Editions Collection My grain of salt led Raphaële Vidaling , 160 p. I S BN: 978-2-84567-397-7

Sunday, September 5, 2010

How Do I Make My Baja Go Kart Go Faster

Faubourg m'lasse

District South Central
formerly suburb m'lasse
this is where I live
I just signed up to a project, the project Sketchbook. These fill a small sketchbook with what we can think of, drawings, collages, projects, poems, reflections, and so before January 15, 2011. The notebooks are provided and all the same, they will then tour the U.S. for exhibition in various locations and then be archived in a museum in Brooklyn. Just because I am involved in my possession so small sketchbooks that make for a fun museum. I have a firm believer friends to register too. We will therefore each have a sketchbook concervée for posterity. This is thanks to the suggestion of a blogger professor of graphic design. I hope she is also involved because then there will be three women's tour in Montreal in 2011. I'll do as I usually do and put my haiku and my drawings with a small novelty I will translate my haiku in English, concession to an English speaking audience. This drawing is the first batch. I'll talk about Montreal and especially the neighborhood I live recently.
Southeast area
In The Past, Molasses
hood I live here and now in English
thanks to my friend Carmen
Barrio Centro-Sur
earlier llemado Suburb of which has Melass

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Non Comedogenic,oil Free Liquid Foundation

The Cordillera of the Andes

Cordillera of the Andes
a young woman climbed the slope under a heavy burden

I'm starting to turn around, it's back to all world and I am still unemployed. I would revive my freelance career in illustration. I love drawing and I would live my drawings, but I will buy them? Around me says I should illustrate children's books. Despite the fact that I often presented my portfolio to publishers youth and I had some bad experiences. (Like I do three illustrations for nothing, nada , not even peanuts .) I think my style is now even stronger and I'm also more sure of myself. My self esteem is not perfect but I'm working seriously. I will soon be leading to appear before publishers. But before I have to redo a portfolio for youth. I am aware that my style is very comic and very Tintin but part of what one is and one is often what you read. I spent my childhood climbing on my bed or in a tree or on the back of the couch to read and reread my Tintin. I first read the texts and images, then I reread the text and only then only images. I read them three times each time. I exchanged my copy for a friend. He thought that I was not reading fast, but I read at least 2 times that way, which is 6 times in total. Normal for the drawing of Hergé will be soaked into my subconscious. My favorite album was and still is Tintin in Tibet . It surely source of inspiration for my illustration above. This image is the first that I do in order to replenish my portfolio for youth. I will continue this momentum in this style easy for me and pictures I like to achieve. The constraints come soon enough. But I will not put all my eggs in one basket and I will also try to join the freelance designers who are home alone and who need new images. I'm pretty well placed to know that designers are beginning to be tired of working with the same images on the free web and that's the time to learn that the Quebec illustrators are not darlings, we have talent and I am part of the lot. Watch me go well and if you can, talk to me at those who might be interested.

A drafting table
stained watercolor
of all colors