Monday, August 23, 2010

Multiple Lipomas With Swelling

rolled sponge cake with maple syrup and spiced terrine

Simple but good and unpretentious. My old expression worn to rope! Y has the world has heard this one, a little unassuming supper! Yes, yes! In any case, it was my invention recently while I was preparing lunch ... And did not find ripe mangoes, I could make my mango ginger sauce for garnish my jellyroll .. . So I improvised with the dip mix and maple spice Epicure Selections brand, products that I sell for some time. A great idea for a cake different and excellent!

1 cup all-purpose flour 1 tablespoon
tea powder
dough 1 / 4 c.
teaspoon salt 3 eggs 1 cup sugar

1 / 3 cup warm milk (heated from 15 to 30 seconds in the microwave then
reserved 1 teaspoon vanilla Powdered sugar sifted

Cocoa Epicurus Selections sifted
2 tablespoons of dip mix with maple syrup and spices Epicure Selections
1 / 2 cup sour cream
1 / 4 cup plain yogurt Mediterranean style

Mix together in a small bowl the last 3 ingredients. Refrigerate. Can be prepared 1 or 2 days in advance.

In a small bowl, sift and mix the flour, baking powder and salt. Book.

In a large bowl, beat eggs until mixture is thick and lemon colored. Gradually add sugar and warm milk and vanilla. Stir in dry ingredients and mix on low speed.

Spread batter in a jelly roll pan or baking sheet, buttered waxed paper and dark, 15 "x 10" x 3 / 4 inch (or 2 L).

Bake 12 minutes in a preheated 375 F (190 C).

Invert the cake immediately on a towel sprinkled with sifted powdered sugar and gently remove the paper. Roll up cake with towel, starting at one end. Cool on a wire rack.

Unroll the cake and garnish as desired with dip mix with maple syrup and spices, prepared beforehand. Garnish with cocoa powder and filberts Epicure Selections Using a small sieve. Slice if desired and refrigerate until serving.


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