Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ouachita Jon Boat 14'

platter of tomatoes from the garden to the olive green La Belle Excuse

This is not a recipe but have a suggestion. To serve as an appetizer on a warm evening in late August as he is these days. Pure happiness with tomatoes from the garden. To taste the small range of preference.

1 large tomato farm and ripe
few basil leaves, minced few thyme sprigs

Some edible flowers, pansies and violas, white roses, etc..
salt with herbs and garlic Epicure Selections

Pepper Olive Green La Belle Excuse sufficient

Slice tomato and place a plate so that the slices overlap suggesting the petals of a flower. Scatter the herbs. With salt and pepper mills. Garnish the rim of the plate with flowers, add a few sprigs of thyme around edible flowers to suggest their branches. Finally, pour a few threads of oil drop by drop. Allow to temper the base, time and enhance the flavors.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Multiple Lipomas With Swelling

rolled sponge cake with maple syrup and spiced terrine

Simple but good and unpretentious. My old expression worn to rope! Y has the world has heard this one, a little unassuming supper! Yes, yes! In any case, it was my invention recently while I was preparing lunch ... And did not find ripe mangoes, I could make my mango ginger sauce for garnish my jellyroll .. . So I improvised with the dip mix and maple spice Epicure Selections brand, products that I sell for some time. A great idea for a cake different and excellent!

1 cup all-purpose flour 1 tablespoon
tea powder
dough 1 / 4 c.
teaspoon salt 3 eggs 1 cup sugar

1 / 3 cup warm milk (heated from 15 to 30 seconds in the microwave then
reserved 1 teaspoon vanilla Powdered sugar sifted

Cocoa Epicurus Selections sifted
2 tablespoons of dip mix with maple syrup and spices Epicure Selections
1 / 2 cup sour cream
1 / 4 cup plain yogurt Mediterranean style

Mix together in a small bowl the last 3 ingredients. Refrigerate. Can be prepared 1 or 2 days in advance.

In a small bowl, sift and mix the flour, baking powder and salt. Book.

In a large bowl, beat eggs until mixture is thick and lemon colored. Gradually add sugar and warm milk and vanilla. Stir in dry ingredients and mix on low speed.

Spread batter in a jelly roll pan or baking sheet, buttered waxed paper and dark, 15 "x 10" x 3 / 4 inch (or 2 L).

Bake 12 minutes in a preheated 375 F (190 C).

Invert the cake immediately on a towel sprinkled with sifted powdered sugar and gently remove the paper. Roll up cake with towel, starting at one end. Cool on a wire rack.

Unroll the cake and garnish as desired with dip mix with maple syrup and spices, prepared beforehand. Garnish with cocoa powder and filberts Epicure Selections Using a small sieve. Slice if desired and refrigerate until serving.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sidekick 2009 Hack Internet

moose ice cider, filberts, morels, dried blueberries, pink pepper berries Tasmania

Terrine woody, slightly fruity rosemary that gives a hint of flavor that harmonizes with the fir bush meat whose texture is almost like a pie liver through the robot thermomix. Nothing to do with ground meat trade. The seasoning of pepper rose (Lelarge in vinegar) and berries of Tasmania (Spice Vintage Vienna) is a perfect match. I adapted my recipe with green pepper and dates, because I had none left and I replaced with green pepper pink berries and Tasmania (peppery and fruity taste at a time) and the dates by blueberries. And I'm quite proud of the result! Delicious!

300 g of moose, chopped in a food processor or other thermomix
500 g butterfly pork chops, chopped in a food processor or other thermomix
8 slices bacon, sliced thick or more
1 onion, chopped 2 cloves garlic

1 tsp Tea and 10 branches of fresh rosemary 1 tablespoon
tea herbs salty fjord seaweed
1 / 3 cup cider ice
2 / 3 cup dried blueberries
2 / 3 cup 2 tablespoons filberts
tablespoons pink peppercorns, drained 2 tablespoons
tablespoons berries Tasmania, coarsely crushed in a mortar

1 egg 1 / 4 cup veal stock or beef consommé
10 dried morels morel Québec inc.

Soak filberts in blueberries and ice cider. Book.

Meanwhile, chop onion and garlic in food processor. Book. Then chop the meat, little by little. Book.

Barder the bottom of a bowl of sliced bacon, folding the ends toward the outside of the dish. Place a few sprigs of rosemary in the background.

Drain filberts and blueberries by keeping the ice cider to make a confit of onions. Mix all ingredients except mushrooms in the order listed . Place a portion of meat in the pot by packing well add the morels by aligning the center of the bowl. Top with remaining meat. Fold the bacon. Add a few sprigs of rosemary again. Add a bit of veal stock to prevent the pot from sticking to the walls of too flat.

Place in a larger dish filled with water as a water bath and bake in preheated oven at 325 F for 2 hours.

Remove from oven. Remove pan from water, drain the excess fat and let cool.

Cover the terrine with baked aluminum foil and place heavy objects (large cans supported on a cutting board or if you have one on hand just like me, a brick will do just fine ) to press the meat. Cool, then refrigerate overnight or cold room (with objects heavy).

Turn using a spatula to cook steak, slide slightly against the walls and bottom. Use a plate to cover the pot and return it. Slice with a sharp knife, very sharp. Serve with bread with herbs and onion confit home or on sofas including Triscuit crackers.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Tons Of Pus And Blood Coming Out Of Cats Ear

chocolate chip cookies and fresh mint to taste After Eight

My mother was hospitalized these days, I could not resist the temptation to bring him cookies. I could never give him any chicken broth or hot food and comfort she knew me and even concoct me make my home I was still smoking when neither child nor old enough to make me pampered. Whether on a hospital bed or in a stinker flu does not matter because my past closely linked to physical pain has long arrested my mom ... mothering! as only she knew so well! As we learn by imitation, I'm still at the stage of cookies ... like a panacea to the family wounds, sores, prison friendships or love and all the vagaries of life throws us into the arms. But in my family our cookies are priceless and we allow passing sorrows and vicissitudes tall and strong shoulders!

Following this path to the hospital, these biscuits have added flavor, these morsels, chocolate mint now marked with the seal of the generosity that knows to boomerang! You'll like you too, I am more than satisfied! Especially since that dark chocolate quality that I used here and also sell by the way (Epicure Selections brand) coupled with fresh mint is a must!
150 g flour 2 tsp
teaspoon baking powder
80 g soft butter 80 g sugar
2 packets of vanilla sugar (if 2 tablespoons white sugar and a few drops of vanilla) 1 egg

100 g chips Dark Chocolate Epicure Selections
20 peppermint leaves 1 tablespoon fresh chopped
tablespoons milk

Put softened butter in a mixing bowl. Add the sugar, egg, then add the flour and baking powder, chocolate, mint and milk.

Mix. Using a teaspoon, drop dough balls far enough apart on baking sheet, bake 12 minutes at 180 C or 350 F. Makes me 29 cookies, small balls formats .

Source: blog a feather in the kitchen

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Activar Camara Frontal Nokia E 71

glasses, bowls or spoons of herbal fregola sarda

Still following the bases served as part of my experience of catering for an evening last week or Mouse eats green on my plate ... here's a second recipe easy and delicious performance as desired. Pretty Italian pasta dishes that can be broken in many ways depending utensils at your disposal and the number of guests.

250 g Italian pasta sarda fregola, cooked according to instructions
flavored oil of your choice as Pacini's flavored with garlic, basil or
Olive Green Beauty excuse, sufficient
1 tsp tablespoons of Herbs Bruschetta Epicurus Selections
few grinds of salt and garlic and herb Epicure Selections
Branches fresh thyme for garnish

Drain and cool pasta. Place in a small bowl and sprinkle lightly with oil. Stir lightly to take off in ensuring the balls of dough, if necessary. Sprinkle again with oil. Stir again. Season with herbs Bruschetta and salt mill Epicurus Selections. Spoon into the pan chosen (glasses, bowls or spoons). Just before serving, garnish with a sprig of fresh thyme. Can be served warm or cold. Makes 10 mini-bowls or 20 to 30 mini glass jars or 40 tablespoons.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Female Anatomy (diagram)

Minis glasses shrimp with tarragon tzatziki dip in its

As promised, here is one of the revenue base consisting presented at the buffet that I prepared last week for a team of actors, including Ms. Louisette Dussault once known for his popular role Mouse green ... in the television the same name. Let's start with the glass shrimp tzatziki.

20 large cooked shrimp, drained and squeezed
juice of half a lime
1 / 2 c. tablespoons of chopped fresh tarragon
few grinds of salt and garlic and herb Epicure Selections
branches fresh tarragon for garnish

Tzatziki Dip
1 / 2 cup firm yogurt Freedom
1 / 2 cup sour cream
1 1 / 2 c. table Tzatziki Dip Mix Epicure Selections
1 / 3 cup fine julienne cucumber English
To julienned cucumber, cut first in thin slices English cucumber, unpeeled. Then superimpose a few slices and cut the size of a matchstick. Book.
Prepare dipping sauce by mixing the first three ingredients then add the cucumber matches. Mix gently. Refrigerate up to 24 hours in advance.

Toss shrimp in a small bowl with the lime juice, a little chopped tarragon and a few grinds of salt and garlic and herbs. Marinate well.

When mounting, place one or two tablespoons of dip in each mini jar. Place one or two well-drained shrimp over the edge and insert a sprig of tarragon. Serve with or without small fork.