Wednesday, July 14, 2010

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salad of cucumber and watermelon

excellent accompaniment for grilled meats or light meal to make to the beach and even a nice summer coming to serve in a glass. A pure refreshing delight to eat and do with its pastel colors! Unheard of to eat and easy to prepare. Really!

1 tsp tablespoons of olive oil or nuts 1 tsp
tablespoons apple cider vinegar 1 tablespoon
tablespoon honey 1 tablespoon
tablespoons fresh chives
3 cups watermelon, diced 1 cup cucumber
Salt and pepper to taste (me, pink Himalayan salt and white pepper)

In a bowl, combine oil, vinegar, honey and chives. Mix well. Add the melon and cucumber. Mix. Add salt and pepper. Adjust seasoning and serve.

Source: Eat Smart with Nathalie Regimbal, RD


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