Thursday, July 29, 2010

Salmon Cakes Without Egg Recipe

Mouse eats green on my plate!

This week I had the opportunity to prepare lunch for the first production of my friends are the Theater Category Jonquière, A house faces north in which the actress plays Louisette Dussault host of the popular TV show Mouse green. I will share my menu. Dishes for which I have invested almost 24 hours of work, everything counted. And for which I'm quite proud ...

Right now I have new business ideas and I am less present here. Therefore, I invite you to join me on Facebook my page my personal name, Mary Gauthier, or my professional page Eat in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean. You will see the photo album full of my one night stand with ... Mouse Green! including floral base compound, the gourmet plate, bowl of tabbouleh, peppermint and the mini pitas stuffed. A menu prepared with Epicure Selections products that I am an independent consultant. A big thank you to my friends who gave me some nice stores: Claire shoots sprouted mustard, sunflower and buckwheat and Maud, for her daylilies! Hope to see you, by what I publish the recipes in the coming days, Mary

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Rash On And Inbetween My Breasts

goose breast and pork tenderloin with dried herbs, raw, salt and cloth method

Rarely I publish a recipe that has not been done in my kitchen but in this case, it was unwise to do without knowing what and what not tomorrow the day I have the goose as a gift! My friend Louise, she has had this spring. And during a birthday dinner, she wanted us to share. He suggested having two recipes that I had not had the opportunity to test, however, she opted for this method, for a pork tenderloin, pork is economical to run him this beforehand. Afterwards, he paid off to provide the same care to the beautiful piece of wild goose open to it. And I do not say, what flavors and what a pleasure it was for the guests.

On the picture you can see the dark flesh of wild geese on the right, compared to the paler pork. Somewhat in the tradition of meat ass, I highly recommend this method of cooking without electricity, cloth and more importantly, is a method of preservation by salt. Mode perfect for nature expeditions, camping, fishing, winter outdoor and more. But a brunch or buffet is a favorite time too. It's up to you to make all the sauces as they say here.

1 pork tenderloin, not too thick
a wild goose breast, boneless
pickling salt or coarse sea salt
Herbes de Provence
clean tea towel, which does not smell like laundry

Mix a sufficient amount of salt and herbes de Provence other seasonings to taste.

Roll the pork in the mixture, making sure there is a thick layer of salt on the surface of the flesh (so that the salt dehydrates the meat which will allow a longer conservation thought, as in the case of dried duck).

Wrap the meat well in a clean cloth and leave in the fridge, in a vegetable drawer for at least 5 days (from when the towel becomes wet, allow another two days to complete after which the meat should normally be ready).

Slice thin with a sharp knife or otherwise, proceed to the meat saw, if possible. Serve like any cold meat, accompanied by breads, crackers, cheese and pickles.

Sources: 's blog Daiva well as that of Isa who had originally published.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Can U Drink Alcohol And Take Fluconazole

salad of cucumber and watermelon

excellent accompaniment for grilled meats or light meal to make to the beach and even a nice summer coming to serve in a glass. A pure refreshing delight to eat and do with its pastel colors! Unheard of to eat and easy to prepare. Really!

1 tsp tablespoons of olive oil or nuts 1 tsp
tablespoons apple cider vinegar 1 tablespoon
tablespoon honey 1 tablespoon
tablespoons fresh chives
3 cups watermelon, diced 1 cup cucumber
Salt and pepper to taste (me, pink Himalayan salt and white pepper)

In a bowl, combine oil, vinegar, honey and chives. Mix well. Add the melon and cucumber. Mix. Add salt and pepper. Adjust seasoning and serve.

Source: Eat Smart with Nathalie Regimbal, RD

Monday, July 12, 2010

Congratulation Messages For Church Anniversary

July 11. The grapes are like peas.
We have now finished the lift which serves to keep the arms straight in tying to promote good plant photosynthesis.
The 2nd way of suckering of removing non-bearing branches on the foot is in the foot by coming to an end. This promotes better aeration of the foot and élimne branches that would draw the sap for anything.
We'll start stripping which involves removing the leaves that are at the level of the grapes. This aerates the foot, promoting greater sunshine and a better maturity that allows us to obtain more fruity wines.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Lindsy Dawn Mckenzie Does The Doctor

Tapas shrimp on a Saturday afternoon was sunny

Small bite improvised yesterday afternoon while the main course dinner cooked wisely Slow Cooker (sauce SPAG chief and the chief, that's me!). I was inspired, during the afternoon, while I was screened by combing a cookbook purchased recently, I cook outside first delicious mango compote with vanilla and rum I cooked on the BBQ (given the weather that does not tempt me to do it in the house) and then later I prepared these as a famous shrimp tapas.

18 large shrimp 1 small zucchini sliced

1 / 3 cup extra virgin olive oil flavored with hot pepper 1 tablespoon
PACINI tablespoon lemon juice 2 tbsp
tablespoons coarsely chopped fresh ginger 1 jalapeno pepper
coarsely chopped 1 tablespoon
tsp chopped garlic Epicure Selections
1 pinch dried thyme or

jalapeno jelly Epicure Selections

Mix all marinade ingredients. Book. Prick the zucchini slices and shrimp on small bamboo skewers. Place in a shallow dish. Pour marinade over, taking care of Spoon the dry ingredients over the shrimp. Marinate several hours in the refrigerator, if possible. Me, I have not taken the time because I improvised this recipe to the end of the afternoon with ingredients I had on hand.

Preheat grill on high heat. Brush shrimp with a little oil in the marinade. Broil about 5 minutes on each side (not too long they become rubbery). Place dry ingredients in a quantity of shrimps after they returned from the second side. Submit in small plates and serve with jalapeno jelly Epicure Selections, as a dipping sauce. A delight or a haphazard summer! Small skewers to make you wait for dinner with joy! Whatever you sigh when it's sunny or slightly later, as I do.