Thursday, December 23, 2010

Poplar Wood Good For Bathroom?

DOMINO his re-2010 delivers

The British label Domino who has in his wallet the Artic Monkeys, Animal Collective, Bonnie Prince Billy or Franz Ferdinand, Elloit Smith or Robert Wyatt, returns for 2010 offering a compilation free downloadable its recent foals as Four Tet, Tricky and The Fall. Between folk, rock, punk, electro and more ..., Domino makes you want to go (again) to close his repertoire. Happy Holidays

1. Villagers - was Sunlit Stage
2. Orange Juice - Felicity
3. Clinic - I'm Aware
4. Chief - Breaking Walls
5. Owen Pallett - Lewis Takes Off His Shirt
6. Wyatt, Atzmon, Stephen - Laura
7. Steve Mason - All Come Down
8. These New Puritans - Orion
9. The Fall - Bury Pts. 1 + 3
10. Archie Bronson Outfit - Hoola
11. Tricky - Come To Me
12. Malachai - Snowflake
13. Four Tet - Angel Echoes
14. Jon Hopkins - Monsters Theme

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Wher Do Hernias Occur

Deportivo sole in February

Black Desire is death, but not the burning rock made in France. The trio abrasive Deportivo whose intransigence is matched only by the firepower of his guitars and the words that hit, the sole refout February 21, 2011 with a third installment in his store. Q uoique less rock, u n first title always exciting and offbeat, " Drunk and beginners " looming loucedé. But let us beware Rock asleep. One thing is for sure in 2011 we pogotera in the cottages. "We will not all lose ..."

Deportivo - La Brise
sent Deportivo . - Watch the latest music selection.

Deportivo - Among Them
sent Deportivo . - Clip , interview and concert.

Deportivo - 1000 Moi Meme
sent Deportivo . - Clip , interview and concert.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Episode Of Dragonball Z Where Vegeta Loves Bulma

The idle solstice

Winter Solstice
birds congregate
to keep warm
My Christmas Card this year. It is in Chinese ink wash with a flange in watercolor. I like the wash, it is both difficult and easy. I'm more than valoris colorist. ; I'm especially at the line and contrast but above all the subject must send a message. The message is more important than the made for me. A beautiful picture, all right, but an image that speaks to us, it stays. ; That's why I put my illustrations with a haiku, the image is supported by the text and vice versa. I would be in Quebec City for Christmas and Bois-Francs for Day of year. The family is what comforts us in dark times and cold. I am fortunate to have a harmonious family, not too many drunks, just enough alcohol to have fun, not big mouths, just enough to have good discussions, no cul-de-bowls, just enough to have room to dance. If it is with the Wii, and although it will be with the Wii. There are two musicians now in my family, two step-brothers who hope this year we will sing. They are the only two not to distort, it should encourage them to sing louder. I wish you a good holiday season and if your family is limited, approach to advantage to keep warm or you invent a new family and assemble it somewhere where it will be good together.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Printable Triple Beam Balances

Lullabies give India

Initiated in 2006 by the label blog up, Have a good night is a project of lullabies performed by artists from the indie scene, French and world. The idea is (a) conduct the children to other sounds, remove the shackles of his classic lullaby. For the fifth compilation Albin , Holden, Brisa Roché or Julien Ribot , and put his hand on the dough (salt) to sweeten the sleep of bushels. It's a free download but pay an edition is also available or a CD, select the last 4 editions. Artists sell their rights to association and childhood Arts. The disc is accompanied by an activity book produced by Cococerise and Nanikaa . A great gift idea. Good night little (and big)!

Albin "Cows" from Dom Labreuil we Vimeo.

Friday, December 3, 2010

What To Write In Your Best Friends Wedding Card


Last Chrysanthemums
not yet faded
early December

The snow is slow to settle in Montreal. ; She prefers to travel and the evening news show us photos of her in Europe. Seeing the world that form the youth, but the snow is a little old to change his habits. But hey, c is the new snow in early winter, it must be indulgent. The madness will pass it well and she returns home when his budget is exhausted, it is expensive in Europe. Yet I pull my shoes and put my bike. I installed the lights of Christmas on the balcony and the crib in a corner of the kitchen. I am ready to welcome him with open arms to make an angel in the yard. I think we said too bad about it there two years. Too much snow, too often and gnan, gnan gni and gnan, gnan, gnan she is upset and went to look elsewhere if we could not appreciate its true value. Such creative beauty and tranquility should have his fans and even his Facebook page. I register right away (actually I just checked and there are already several groups to create and I just join one because I really like the snow ). I also like icicles on the balconies, Frost and his drawings in the windows and the footprints we leave by walking in fresh snow. I love blowing too, the magic that leaves behind a freezing rain, calm after a super heavy snowfall. No monotony with the snow, we know what it holds, a volley of big fluffy flakes or slapped cream pies. But there she sulks and we too often we send her sister the rain, even freezing, just wetting. Fortunately the weather who knows a little ad we are back tomorrow. I will get my gloves, my hat and scarf red, those were her favorite and I'll go wait in the stairs as when expecting a visit from our favorite cousins. Like that once it is there we can go play together like old times. Here, I dream a little, because if the snow is what rejuvenates me not so here. I'll just go around the neighborhood with her. This will already be good to meet again.